Prologue - The Incident

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Yn was just coming home from school and immediatly got greeted by his dog, a golden retriever named Fluffy. "Hey, girl" He said smiling, scratching her head as he stepped into the house. Fluffy was the family dog since Yn was little. He was around five, and chose the name and well... Let's just say he wasn't the best in choosing names.
He walked inside to be met with the smell of a freshly cooked meal as well as the sound of his father laughing at something his mother had said. The older man noticed Yn, when the Boy entered the kitchen and smiled at him. "Ahh, I didn't know you would be back today so soon"

"Yeah", Yn replied stepping next to his dad, after putting his school bag away. The older man smaller like burned off hair "What's for Dinner?" He asked, leaning forward a little.

"Your favorite!" His Mom called out from the dining room. Her voice was accompanied by the sounds of plates and cups being placed on the table. Her voice sounded cheery and happy.

Yn's face lit up. "Really", he asked smiling before tilting his head to the side. "But why? Normally something very good has to happen, for you to even Cook something that takes a little longer." He felt Fluffy Press against him and scratched her head. The Dog happily pushed into His Hand.

"Well, let's just say, that our Portal seems to finally work." His dead replied, which Made Yn excited.

"Wait, really? The portal you two spent years on, finally works? That's great!" He exclaimed looking at both of them with a smile.
It didn't take long before everyone took their seats and dinner was served. The conversation continued throughout the dinner and Yn couldn't be more happier with how it turned out. When they finished eating, Yn went to do the dishes while his parents discussed something that he couldn't make sense of. Once done, he came back out into the living room and sat down again.
The two of his parents were talking about whatever that is. It seemed to involve some sort of science stuff, but considering the fact that their conversations were always about Science, it made sense.

After some time however, the two looked at Yn, with a Smile.

"So, Yn", his dad began and stood up. "Do you want to help us, giving the new Portals it's first real test start?"

Yn nodded quickly and hopped up. "Yes!" He squealed, making his Mom and dad laugh. His eyes were glowing in excitement. His parents left the room, with Yn following after them. He followed them down a hallway, into another door that lead into what was apparently the Portal lab. They walked in and looked at Yn. Both of his parents were smiling as well.

"Okay Yn, remember to keep calm and don't touch anything that looks dangerous okay?" His Dad started to walk away, towards what seemed like a Control Panel. Yn nodded hastily as His Mom came towards him, carrying a brown Backpack. One of those you'd carry, when you go hiking. It was filled to the beim with different stuff, one could need in the wild.

"Here, put this on," She handed the backpack over. He did as she told him and tilted his head in confusion.

"But why?" He asked. Behind him, He heard his father pressing buttons and pulling levers.

"Well, if the portal works, you can be the first one to step through if you want, and the backpack is for when an accident happens and the Portal closes itself" She replied and when she noticed the worry on Yns face, she put a hand on his shoulder. "But of course nothing like this will happen." She said reassuringly.

"Yeah, right..." Yn said, when suddenly the big portal frame in the middle of the room started to flash blue and the insides started to fill with a blue light. Once the was fully filled His father laughed.

"Yes!" He yelled out and pointed at the Portal. "It's working!" He then looked over to Yn. "If you don't go through it, I will." He said, making Yn scoff.

"As if I'd let you, old man." Yn smirked, making his parents chuckle, and stepped towards the Portal, holding tightly onto his backpack. The closer he got to the portal the, the louder the buzzing sound, coming from the Portal became. It reminded him of a swarm of bees or something, only much louder and much more annoying. After walking up the last few steps, Yn looked up into the now blue screen of the Portal.

"Are you going through it?" He heard behind him and turned around to see his mother standing there.

"Yep, just got to go..." He replied and slowly reached his hand out, sending out a ripple as he touched it.

It felt cool against his skin but at the same time almost warm. The portal glowed brightly once again and the static noise stopped. Yn tilted his head in confusion, when suddenly the portal started going haywire. It sent out electricity, making a loud Static noise, all the while, the frame began to break.

"Yn! Quick come back", His mother yelled. "Dear, shut of the portal!" She yelled, looking over to Yn's dad.

"I'm trying!"

Yn quickly turned around and wanted to run towards his parents, but after the First few steps, He felt something pulling at him; the Portal began to suck stuff in. He screamed and clutched at a nearby desk

"Turn of the Portal!" His mother yelled.

But his father didn't have any time. The Moment he pressed the emergency Button, Yn was already sucked into the Portal.


And I continued on with my not-so-great-pacing, haha. But yeah, like you probably already read, I wanted to start writing another Story, besides my Owl House one (which still is my Focus). And so here it is; The Prologue to my Amphibia Story!

Hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you soon!

Human Boy In Amphibia (AmphibiaxMale!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now