Chapter 5 - Newtopia

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As Yn and Sarah approached the city of Newtopia, they waded through the crystal-clear waters that surrounded the city. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow across the water, creating a picturesque scene that Yn couldn't help but admire, as the warmth of the day enveloped them. It had been a day since their adventure in the ruins, and they had taken the time to rest and recover before setting out for Newtopia. In front of him, Sarah was wading through the water with a graceful, almost dance-like step. She swung her arms around, made a little twirl here and there and hummed a little melody.

Yn couldn't help but smile at Sarah's carefree nature, but he also couldn't help but feel a little anxious. This was a big city, and he wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

"Can you believe it? We actually made it to Newtopia!" Sarah exclaimed, a wide grin stretching across her face.

"What? Did you think we wouldn't?", Yn asked, playfully raising an eyebrow and obviously catching Sarah off guard.

"Well, I mean...", She began to stutter but Yn just laughed.

"I'm messing with you", he said and then turned towards Newtopia, scanning the towering and moss covered walls. "It does look beautiful, but how are we going to get in?"

"Don't worry," Sarah said, splashing around. "I've got this." She waded through the water, leading Yn towards the walls. As they approached the city walls, Sarah called out to the guards, "Hello there! My friend and I are here to enter Newtopia!"

"And what business do you have in Newtopia?" One of the guards asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"We want to meet the King and your Chief Ranger!," Sarah replied with a grin.

The guard shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we can't just let anyone in. You'll need to have an audience with the King."

"Oh, come on now!"Sarah called out and tried other tactics to get the guards to let them in. But nothing seemed to Work. The guards just didn't seem interested in letting them in. But then, one of the guards squinted at Sarah and said, "Hey, wait a Minute aren't you that thief that has been causing Trouble in Town?!"

Yn's eyes widened and he looked at Sarah in shock, but she didn't seem fazed by this at all.

"I wouldn't call myself a thief... More of a treasure Hunter!" Sarah called back, much to Yns dismay. He grabbed her arm and pulled her Close.

"Sarah! What are you doing?" He asked through clenched teeth. "Are you really a thief"

"Kind of", Sarah replied nonchalantly and then turned back to the Wall. Yn watched her in disbelief.

"Who is this with you?" The guard asked and Sarah's expression turned smug as she crossed her arms. "Why, this is my trusty companion and partner in crime, Yn. We're just looking for a place to rest our weary bones, nothing more." She put an arm around Yns shoulder, bringing him closer to her.

Before Yn could even react, a group of guards had descended upon them, grabbing hold of Sarah and Yn and dragging them towards the city. Yn struggled against the guards' grip, yelling at Sarah. "What the hell, Sarah?! You didn't tell me you were a thief!"

Sarah just laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, come on, Yn. You didn't think I was just out there, did you?"

Yn was seething with anger, but he couldn't deny that he was also a little impressed with Sarah's daring nature

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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