Chapter 3 - Toadish Problems

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"Man it's hot", Yn complained as He sluggishly followed after Sahra, who happily walked in front of him. The newst girl held a leave with her tail, to give herself some Shadow, while Yn used the collar of his shirt to fan himself a little air. He put his hoodie and jacket into his backpack and held an almost empty water bottle in his other hand, "why is it suddenly so hot?"

"That just happens sometimes", Sahra said cheerily and she continued to lead the way. It was been three days, since they decided to get to Newtopia together. Three days since that huge mantis thing attacked him. Yn sighed and just continued to follow the newt girl. She was swinging her arms happily, while walking and humming a tune that seemed overly familiar.

"Say", Yn then began, "do you really know where we have to go?"

"Yep", Sahra replied and turned around, now walking backwards, "we just need to continued to walk north, and we'll get out of this forest. If we keep out current speed, we'll be there in four days max."

"Mh-hm", Yn made. He actually wasn't sure if Sahra really knew where to go, but it was his best bet right now. If he went alone and got lost, it would've been way worse, then if he got lost with someone else.. Even if that someone was a talking newt. He took a sip from his bottle and looked forward again. "Sahra, Look ou-" but before he could end his sentence, Sahra already fell down a small hill. Yn heared the splashing of water and then a little groan of pain. He swiftly ran over, to see his newt friend, laying in a puddle of water. He let out a sigh and slid down to her, reaching a hand out, when he landed next to her.

She grabbed it and he pulled her Back onto her feet. Sahra let out another groan, when she looked down at herself.

"Ugh, now my clothes are all dirty and wet." Sahra said in a slightly disgusted tone.

"That's what happens, when you don't look, where you're going." Yn said with a snicker and Sahra huffed in response.

"You're one to talk. Just yesterday, you almost walked against a tree, while your nose was buried in your damn notebook." She said in an almost scolding tone, but Yn just shrugged with a smug smile.

"Yeah, but that's the thing. I almost walked against a tree. You actually fell down here." He said, crossing his arms behind his head, giving her a smirk. But Sarah, just stuck her tongue out at him in response. Together they continued to walk through the forest.
"Say", Yn then suddenly said looking up. Only a few rays of sunlight managed to shine through the thick tree tops over them. Next to the sound of their feet making contact with the mud, Yn could hear chirping an the rustling of leaves, "do you really know where we have to go?" His voice was more doubtful, than he intended it to be, but he couldn't help it; he was doubtful.

Yn felt her eyes on him, and when he looked over, he saw Sahra looking at him threw narrowed eyes.
"I already said yes", she said in a sharp tone, that made Yn flinch a little.

"Alright", Yn lifted his hands defensively. "I'm not trying to start a fight right now"

"Yes, you are", Sahra Said and crossed her arms as she stomped onwards.
"The only thing you did was to question me the last three days."

Yn looked after her and pressed his lips into a fine line, before dashing after Sahra.
"Hey, look. I'm just sick of this forest and I want to get to this Newtopia place."

"I want to get there too, you know", Sahra said as she put her arms down and just let them casually Swing besides her.

"I know", Yn said and gave a defeated sigh.
"I'm sorry." He raised an eyebrow, when he heard Sahra giggled next to him. It was the giggle of the person, whose fun plan just worked.
"You fucked with me didn't you?" He deadpanned.

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