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By : Paige Compton (10 years)

I was walking down the trail. It was easy to tell that an animal had been here. A bear? Yes, possibly.but it's bigger, I thought. Dad, if he were still alive, that is could concor the mystery. I sighed and got off my knees.

The high trees were grand, high and tall. The big pine trees were so great, and you could practically smell the fall in the air, arriving.

You could pounce on the trees, and they would not break. They were healthy and strong. Unbreakable. I could smell the Oak. It was wonderful, staying here. I thought it was good to just build a tree house here one day when I was six. But the ticks made me move out of the bed at night. I still loved the nights, lying underneath the stars. These stars were so beautiful and these woods could carry my secrets.

Just then I heard a twig snap. My breath picked up speed. I could feel my heart pounding. Bears.

I ran. I ran like all Hell was rising up to earth. My speed picked up. I ran fast.

My house was close by. I opened the door and slammed the door, breathing like the wind.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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