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(Hey sorry it took me so long to make this chapter I was really busy again)


In the morning.

You would wake up and turn over to your alarm and check the time to see that it's saying 9:00am.


You jump out of your bed and grab a shirt and then put a jacket over it and then you grabbed some mom jeans and lastly you ran up to your desk and put on some bracelets and rings. You run downstairs and see and note on the fridge from your mom saying "hi honey I won't be home till tomorrow morning so you are going to have to make your own dinner when you get back! I hope you have a good day at school, love mom xx" you sigh and grab the house keys and run as fast as you can to school.

Y/n: I'm so so late omg I'm going to get told off.

You run into school and try to find your class "omg where is my class" you said in a nervous tone.

A few minutes later you found your class and walk into it and as you walk into your class everyone stops talking and looks at you. "You must be y/n and you will be sitting right next to Steve you know who that is right?" The teacher tells you, you nodded and walked over to the seat next to Steve and sat down.

Steve: y/n why are you so late? Like your nearly 2 hours late for school!! What happened?

Y/n: I woke up late *you laugh nervously*.

Steve: well your lucky our teacher isn't mad about it *Steve laughs* oh and I'm having a party at my house tonight would you like to come? Nancy and Robin are coming too.

Y/n: I would love to come but your throwing a party on a school night?

Steve: yeah! It's going to be so much fun I can't wait.

Y/n: but I have no idea where you live and my mom can drop me off because she's at work and she won't be home until tomorrow morning.

Steve: oh don't worry im sure Robin will take you to my house.

Y/n: Omg really?

Steve: yeah of course! *the bell would go off* well I will see you at lunch *Steve winks at you and walks to his next class*.

At lunch.

You walk over to Nancy, Steve and Robin's table and sat down next to Robin.

Robin: hey y/n! So I hear your coming to Steve's party tonight! Are you excited oh and also I can pick you up from your house and take you to the party if you would like.

Y/n: yep I'm coming to the party I'm so excited! And thank you so so much Robin really.

Robin: don't mention it *Robin winked at you causing you to blush*.

~~~time skip to the end of the school day~~~

Robin: okay so I will pick you up at 7:30pm is that okay with you?

Y/n: of course it's okay with me.

Robin: okay I will see you at 7:30 *Robin waved goodbye to you and you did the same as you started to walk home*.

When you got home you ran up to your room and found this black dress and put it on and then you walked over to your desk and put on the matching ring and necklace you and Robin got after that you walked into your bathroom and started putting on your makeup.

Y/n: omg I'm so nervous..what if Robin thinks I look stupid or something..or like she thinks I look ugly *you sigh* I shouldn't stress about this like it's nothing to be stressed about. *you check the time to see that it's 7:00pm so you walked downstairs waiting for Robin to pick you up*.

30 minutes later.

You heard a knock on the door and shot up from where you was sitting and opened the door to see Robin wearing the most prettiest red dress and the matching ring and necklace you both got.

Y/n: wow.


Y/n: oh I mean as like wow you look amazing *you say nervously*.

Robin laughs and says thank you and gives you and big hug and you hug her back.

Robin: you look gorgeous y/n.

Y/n: aww thank you so much Robin *you start to blush a lot*

Robin grabs your hand and takes you to her car and opens the door for you so you could get in.

Robin: you ready to go?

Y/n: yep!

After 20 minutes you got to Steve's house and Robin rushed out of the car so she could open the door for you and helped you out. You and Robin walked over to Steve's door and knocked on it a few seconds later you saw Steve open the door and letting you both in as Steve walked back over to come girls.

Robin: so..what now? Oh wait does your mom know that your at a party?

Y/n: oh yeah I texted her when I got home and my mom won't even be at home until the morning.

Robin: ohh okay..omg I cant wait for our sleepover tomorrow *Robin said in an excited tone*.


Steve walked over to you and Robin and passed you guys drinks and then walked off as he walked off you took a tiny sip and then pulled at face while Robin was watching you and started laughing.

Robin: is it really that bad? *Robin said as she started to laugh even more*.


Robin grabbed your hand and took you to the bathroom.

I'm the bathroom.

You ran into the bathroom and Robin followed you in.

Y/n: that was terrible *you said as you turned the tap on and washed your mouth out with water*.

Robin: come on it can't be that bad *Robin said as she laughed even more*.

Y/n: you try it then if you think it's not that bad.

Robin: uh..yeah no thanks *Robin giggled slightly*.

You turned the tap off and looked back at Robin to see that she has gone a bit red.

Y/n: uh..Robin? Are you okay? You have gone a bit red *you said in a worried voice*.

Robin: o-oh uh..yeah don't worry about me I'm totally fine. *Robin said as she started to fiddle with fingers.

You walked up to her and grabbed her hands and squeeze them slightly as you looked into her eyes.

Y/n: love are you sure your okay? You can talk to me if you want, I will be here for you.

Robin: y-you called me love again *Robin went even more red*.

Y/n: oh you want me to stop calling you that? Because if you do then I will stop i promise.

Robin: what! No, no I love it when you call me that.

Y/n: oh you do? Well I guess I have to make sure I call you that even more *you said while smiling at her  still looking into her eyes and slowly walked closer up to her*.


(That's it for this chapter! I will try and make chapter 4 today but I really hope you liked it)

Y/n x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now