Coming out

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(Hiiii and omg also when I'm finished with this story I'm making what story would you guys like me to do next? I really need some ideas because I have no idea what story I'm going to do next😭 and I'm sorry that I took so long to post this chapter I was really busy again)


After another five minutes of walking you and Robin got to the park and sat down on the grass and started to get all the candy out that you both bought.

Robin: wait y/n..

Y/n: yes my love? *you turn to look at Robin as you say that*.

Robin: have you uh..does your mom know you like girls?

Y/n: oh..well no she doesn't actually know..I'm just so nervous to tell her like what if she doesn't support me.

Robin: love she is going to support you like your mom is so so sweet and kind *Robin said as she put her hands on your shoulders*.

Y/n: you know what..I'm going to tell her today! Once she gets home.

Robin: omg yes you got this y/n! And would you like me to be there with you?

Y/n: I mean if you don't don't have to if you don't want to.

Robin: what omg I would love to be there with you and that means I can spent even more time with youuu. *Robin said as she started to laugh slightly causing you to laugh too*.

Y/n: I'm getting a bit tired can we go home please?

Robin: of course we can go home, you need your beauty sleep *Robin said as you put her hand out so you would grab it and winked at you*.

You and Robin both started to walk home and after 10 minutes you got home and both went into your room and jumped on your bed but before you jumped onto your bed you grabbed your teddy bear.

Y/n: goodnight love *you say as you rest your head in Robins shoulder.

Robin: goodnight my love.

When you woke up you heard your mom downstairs in the kitchen making something so you got up and woke up Robin to tell her that you are going to tell your mom about everything and then you both went downstairs.

Y/n's mom: oh hi honey I didn't know your friend was here too.

Y/n: oh yeah..sorry I didn't tell you mom..but there is something I need to tell you and it's very important.

Y/n's mom: are you okay sweetheart?

You looked at Robin with an nervous expression, Robin saw that you were nervous so she grabbed your hand and squeeze it slightly as she did that you whispered "thank you" to her and looked back at your mom.

Y/n: well uh..please don't get upset or mad with me mom..

Y/n's mom: honey I won't get upset or mad with you..please tell me I'm getting worried.

Y/n: well uh..I actually like..girls and me and Robin are together..

Y/n's mom: omg sweetie you shouldn't of been nervous or scared to tell me that of course I support you *your mom walked up to you and hugged you so you hugged her back and smiled*. Thank you for coming out to me oh and how long have you and Robin been together for? *your mom would let go of you as she said that*.

Y/n: we actually only got together yesterday.

Y/n's mom: awwww oh and I made you some breakfast you should go eat it before it gets cold *your mom said that as she walked outside*.

You walked over to the kitchen table and sat down and then Robin sat next to you holding your hand.

Robin: does it feel better now you have told her?

Y/n: actually does and I'm so happy that she supports me *you say that as you start to eat your food asking if Robin wanted some but she didn't want any*.

Robin: so..what would you like to do today? We can do anything you like.

Y/n: I kinda just want to stay in today because we had a really late night last that okay with you?

Robin: of course it's okay and omg also next week is our last week of school till summer break!! I'm so excited we can spent all summer together. *Robin said in an excited tone*.

Y/n: omg oh yeah I totally forgot that it was our last week omg im so excited to spent all summer with you. *you said as you smiled at Robin*.


(Im sorry this one is really short im still running out of ideas so if you have any idea you would like me to do then can you please comment them? But I really hope you liked this chapter byeee)

Y/n x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now