Where is y/n?

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~In the morning~

Y/n's pov:

I woke up from the sun shining in my face and it took me a few minutes to get up because I was really tired. I started to look around again trying to figure out where I was but I still had no idea.

Y/n: I'm so hungry I really should of grabbed something to eat before I left the house *my tummy started to make noises as I started to walk deeper and deeper into the woods*.

I kept on walked until I came across a small lake and I sighed in relief and I ran up to the lake and bent down to drink some of the water and yes I know the water is probably nasty but I was really thirsty because I didn't drink anything yesterday or today. "Omg yes I was so thirsty I'm so glad I found this lake" I said as I kept on drinking some of the water.

Robins pov:

My loud alarm went off at 6am and I slowly out out from bed and got some new clothes on and when I got outside I saw Steve and Nancy standing out there waiting for me. After a few minutes of talking we started to look around to try and find y/n, first we looked by the park where  me and y/n went to before when we had that sleepover and then we went to this field but we still had no luck and I was starting to lose hope but we kept on looking for her. After like 4 hours of looking we still had no idea where y/n was so we went to y/n's house to ask her mom some questions like if she might know where y/n might of  went.

~Inside y/n's house~

Nancy: do you have any idea where y/n could of went? Like is there a place where she likes to go? *Nancy asked y/n's mom while trying her best not to cry but I could tell it was really hard for her because she kept on fidgeting with her fingers*.

Y/n's mom: she never tells me where she goes on walks..god I should of been here for her *y/n's mom said as she started to cry a little*.

Robin: we would like to ask you one more question if thats okay with you? We can leave if you don't want us to ask anymore questions *i said in a soft tone trying not to start crying myself*.

Y/n's mom: of course you can ask another question honey.

Robin: right so..did y/n seem upset or nervous you know anything like that before she went missing? *i asked her as i started to fidget with my hands nervously*.

Y/n's mom: actually yes the night before she went missing she ran into the house and she looked really upset and then in the morning I asked her what happened and she started to cry so I let her have the day off school while I went to work and when I got home I couldn't find her but I just thought she went on a walk, I waited 3 hours for her to come home but there was no sign of her and I got really worried so I went to the police and they just told me to go home and to not worry and that they will find her..*she said as she started to cry even more*.

Steve: im so sorry Miss..but I actually have one more question..why was she crying?

Y/n's mom: she told me it's because Robin and her broke up..*as she said that Steve and Nancy both looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces and then looked back at y/n's mom and said "thank you so much for your time and don't  you worry y/n will come home soon" and then we all walked out of the house and closed the door and then Steve and Nancy both looked back at me".

Nancy: you and y/n were together!?

Robin: fine yes we were but she cheated on me so I ended things with her *i said as I looked down at my shoes trying my best not to cry again*.

Steve: cheated on you? No, no y/n would never do that she is super duper sweet, she would never be the type to cheat on someone *Steve said with an confused tone*.

Nancy: did you see her cheat? Or did someone tell you that she cheated?

Robin: someone told me..Jason told me she cheated on me..

Steve: JASON!? Omg your really going to believe Jason? Like come on Robin *Steve said as he looked away from me*.

I started to think about what Jason said and I finally realised that he was lying this whole time and that y/n didn't actually cheat on me, omg I felt terrible like I even shouted at her because I thought she cheated and now she probably ran away all because of me god I feel like a horrible person right now I thought.

Y/n's pov:

It started to get dark again and I'm still lost in the stupid woods, after 10 more minutes of walking it started to rain a lot while I was running trying to find where to stay dry I saw this old house and it looked like it has been abandoned for like 100 years, I ran into the house and it actually didn't look to bad it was a small cabin in the woods with 2 bedrooms and a small kitchen. I started to jump up and down in excitement because I finally don't have to sleep in the cold floor but I still have no idea how I'm going to get some food because I'm lost in the woods and even if I did find a shop or something out here I didn't even have any money to by anything. There was a clock in the small cabin and I looked to see the time and it said 10:30pm so I went into one of the rooms and went to sleep very quickly.

Robins pov:

It was around 10:30pm and me Steve and Nancy were still looking for y/n, it had been a very long and stressful day but I tried my best stay positive and not to loose hope but it was starting to get really hard. "Hey uh..Robin me and Nancy really need to get home I think you should go home too..we can all look for y/n in the morning" Steve said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

Robin: im going to try and look around for a bit longer but I will see you guys tomorrow *i said as I put on a fake smile*.

Steve and Nancy nodded and started to walk off and I started to look in the woods because that was the last place we haven't check yet for y/n. My eyes started to fill up with tears because of how much I missed y/n and the fact that I thought I would never see her again kept on haunting me.



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(Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter byeeeee)

Word count: 1260

Y/n x Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now