Dear R.

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Im writing this for me. You cannot judge me and you probably won't see this, but I don't need you to. I want you to know that I think you're a overdramatic psycho bitch. I wanted to end our friendship in a civilized way and be able to take time for myself but you couldn't handle that. I don't know why it was too much or if you just had nothing better to do but I know that you aren't worth the energy and time that I put into our friendship or the events that followed after. I was going to say I wish you the best but that would be a lie. I don't.
Im done with you. I may still see you at school but that's okay, I'm no longer going to take time from my life on unimportant people or things.
Im growing as a person (or at least trying to) and I cannot and will not spent my life, however short or long it may be on you.
So goodbye.

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