(Tokuro is seen in a forest looking for a temple.)
Tsuyu: Ribbit. What are you planning to do in a temple.
Alastor: Have you ever watched Indiana Jones? Temples hide valuable treasures, and various treasure hunters try to catch them.
Charlie: Weren't they supposed to simply leave them untouched, or return them to their rightful owners?
Alastor: Where would be the fun in that?
Blitzo: I heard that some temples have guardians.
Diend: I can handle them. Nothing can stop this treasure hunter.
(Suddenly Tokuro sees a temple.)
Tokuro: This must be the place.
(Then they enter in the temple.)
Tokuro: Okay guys, stay together. It's easy to fall for a trap.
Loona: What kind of trap?
(Then Tokuro sees an emerald in the floor.)
Tokuro: What is an emerald doing in such a filthy floor.
(Suddenly Vaggie cuts down a log which was about to hit them.)
Vaggie: You should be more careful, you hijo de puta.
(Tokuro simply scoffs as the heroes proceed further into the temple, and they see a door.)
A. Dust: A door? It even has a bell.
Tokuro: Okay, it's a bit obvious for a trap.
(Then Tokuro pulls out a card)
Tokuro: Henshin!
Diendriver: Kamen Ride: Diend!
(Tokuro transforms into Diend and pulls out another card before inserting it on his Diendriver)
Diendriver: Attack Ride: Blast!
(Diend shoots some blasts, and manages to bust the door open.)
Diend: Now we're free to go.
Millie: I wonder if there are more traps.
(Then Tsuyu accidentally steps in a button, and a sound is heard. They turn to see a metal door closing the very door Diend busted open.)
Diend: Uh... Froppy?
Tsuyu: Ribbit. Oops.
(Then Tsuyu steps aside, and the door opens.)
Mixxie: Man, who knew Froppy could be so careless.
Diend: Hey, no fighting here.
(Then they see a stairway leading to a giant crystal which has a young girl trapped. Suddenly a giant golem comes from above.)
Tsuyu: Ribbit. What is that thing?
Diend: (pulls out a card) Probably the guardian of this place. Step aside. I got this.
Diendriver: Kamen Ride: Accel!
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(Then Diend summons Accel and both start fighting the golem. They shoot its legs while swiftly dodging its punches. The tactic seems to work as they eventually bring the golem down.)
Diend: (pulls out a card) Too easy.
Diendriver: Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Diend!
(Then Diend shoots the golem down, destroying it.)
Alastor: You could at least let it become a bit more entertaining.
(Diend simply goes upstairs and breaks the crystal, freeing the girl.)
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????: (groans) Where am I?
Diend: You're in a temple.
????: Are you the one who saved me?
Diend: Yep.
(Then the girl hugs him.)
????: I am Ingvild Leviathan, and since you saved me, I'm going to be your companion from now one.
Diend: Well... okay. Let's get outta here.
(Then they leave the temple without even knowing that Akeno was watching them.)