Prolauge: Chibi Nine

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Chibi Nine

By Trucy-Jo Bithell

Previously in the Chibi books!

ChibiBerry and Marley where taken into a reality TV show of DEATH! Chibi was killed and in her final moments found out that Marley was her life long enamy Sam! She then regenarated and is now on course to the president of the world's office (read the other 8 books here:, Excuse the quailty of the older books as some are nearing 2 years of age! i suggest you begin with Chibitale or ChibiFire first.)

Several men in black stormed the president's office, they where aiming guns at where the TARDIS 2 was set to land by Lucas's request. Marley, Chibi's friend, had no clue whats was going on, he didn't even know Chibi had regenarated and was instead under the impression that Chibi was dead. 

"whats going on?" He asked. "I don't want to see anymore deaths..." he said relfecting on his time in the realitiy TV show.

"No deaths... this will just knock her out" Lucas said with a smile trying his best to reasure the boy.

"Knock who out?" Marley asked. 

Inside the TARDIS 2 Chibi laid on the floor, she was in a new body and the moment she woke up she knew it. quickly she jumped to her feat but soon fell down again. "New legs, not used to standing" She remarked and stood back up holding onto the TARDIS 2's console flicking a few switches, she then began to dig through her pockets "Mirror Mirror Mirror" She said while doing it. soon she found one and inspected her self 

"hmm nice hair.. I'm a normal size, not insanely short thats nice!" she stated rememebring her past bodies being small. "No tail no Cat ears." She laughed abit remembering Chibinata who had both. "hmm i can't see properly.. these eyes are no good." she sighed "Something always has to go wrong dosn't it..." she shook her said and noiced something on the TARIDS 2's moniter it said "Direct corse to: EARTH" She nodded and decided to speed up the TARDIS 2 as fast as it could go, aiming for a good old fashion crash landing!

"HERE WE GO WORLD HERE COMES CHIBI......well i think of that later, HERE I COME!" She screamed having the time of her new life

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