【Chapt. 5: Afraid】

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Hunter's P.O.V

I tried to run back to the castle as fast as I can, luckily the castle from Hexside is only 15 minutes away so it wasn't that bad of a run, plus it felt good to be outside more for once in my entire life and without Kikimora trying to bother me.

"Scouts, I need to see the emperor, right now." "Kid, shouldn't you be with your parents right now?" A scout said. I had to show them my coven emblem on my wrist and they finally let me in. I was looking to the ground and walking towards the throne room, I hope uncle isn't mad at me.

I open the door to the Throne Room then the doors hit with a loud slam. And I looked back for a bit.

"You are late Hunter, where were you?" Uncle says standing behind his throne. I bow down now. "My apologies Emperor Belos, I was busy doing schoolwork at school, and I lost track of time, it won't happen again." "Did you find recruits for the Emperor's Coven?" "No, not yet, but I will get some new recruits soon." "I hope so Hunter, don't let me down like your last mission." 

I was excused to my room now, I was doing my homework and had rascal with me, then I was getting ready for bed, I had some thoughts about my first day at Hexside and it wasn't as I thought, it was better, thank god nobody peaked inside my bag either, cause they would know that I am the Golden Guard and work for Belos. I'm glad I made new friends and I'm really surprised that they would come to me on my first day. 

I'm actually really excited for my second day tomorrow, I hope it will be like today, but different than today.

It was 9pm and I decide to go to sleep now.

(what did you think, this was Hunter's P.O.V, and sorry this is shorter than others, chapt. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 coming soon, no copyright from other stories, I wrote this whole story on paper after Hunting Palisman was aired on T.V)

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