ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛ. 9: ᴘᴀꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ

429 23 5

Hunter's P.O.V

I had to run out of there quickly and grab my stuff, I try to run to the castle as fast, Uncle wanted me to be there as soon as I get out of school, and I didn't get new recruits for the Emperor's Coven, what will happen if I really do go back? I don't know, but I don't want another scar either!
I think for a moment and I would run, but I think it's best to go back as the Golden Guard, I put on my mask and I run to the castle. 

5 mins later....

I take my mask off and put it in my backpack, and I try to walk to the throne room to avoid anyone, but really who I'm trying to avoid is Kikimora, she's so annoying when she barges into my room and try to sabotage my missions, ugh, why am I sweating so much?! Is it from that grudgby game in class today? Or is it because I am afraid to go back? Oh god, I don't know... but I need to run as fast as I can. "Golden Guard!" Wait what?! I know that annoying voice, it's Kiki, just coming by, god, the last thing I wanna see is her. I'm starting to miss Lilith now. "Ugh, what now Kiki?!" "Sorry Golden Guard, but the Emperor has requested your presence." OH GOD, I'M SO DEAD NOW!!!!! "O-okay, I'll be there soon." 

What do I do now?! The Emperor is going to be furious how late I've been out, he told me, to be home right after school, and darn it Hunter, you disobeyed him again!!! I slowly walk towards the throne room, but then, should I, or not? It's the Emperor, I should go, besides, the Emperor is not a merciful man either. As I was about to enter in, I fell down on the floor, and I blacked out.

1 hour later....

I woke up and I let out a moan. "Wha-" I rub my eyes, then got up, and I saw a few coven guards, and Darius too. "What happened?" I asked in a very soft quiet voice. "You passed out on the floor, when me and Eberwolf were going in a room to discuss something, we both saw you on the floor, you were sweating as well, so we decided to take you to your room, some coven guards came to help as well, and we waited here for an hour for you to wake up." I was shocked about what happened, I-I didn't go to the throne room like the Emperor requested, I'M DEAD, THE EMPEROR WILL BE SO FURIOUS AT ME!!!! 
"Is the Emperor mad, is something going to happen to me?" I panicked for a long time but then Darius calmed me down. "Don't worry little prince, you'll be alright." I hope so. "Besides, he knows what happened to you." "NOT.... the best time." Darius ordered. There was a knock on the door all of a sudden, I hope it isn't Kikimora, she makes me so sick. Darius opens the door now. PLEASE NOT KIKI, PLEASE NOT KIKI!!! I lay down and shut my eyes for a moment.
"Wake up little prince!" Darius yells. "AHH" I get up automatically, I hope everything is alright. "Who was at the door, don't tell me Kikimora was here." "No, no, it was actually the Emperor, he asked if you're alright. I told him that you are doing better, and I told him to let you rest for a little bit." I get up now and start do a little bit of my homework in bed. I looked at the time and it was 6:26pm, has time really gone that quick? "Do you want me to tell the Emperor that you're fine?" "S-sure." I mumbled. I actually was afraid if the Emperor would give me another scar.

Darius walked out of my room and I don't know what happened then, but I actually hope I'm not in trouble for getting back so late. I just took a sip of water and then somebody came into my room. 
"Hunter." I looked up and saw Uncle looking at me, he had the mask on, but had a very soft voice, unlike how he usually speaks. I have a feeling I'm going to be dead in 3.... 2... 1.... god help me now. "U-uncle if you are mad at me for being home late I'm sorry I-I stayed behind at school to-" "Please, Hunter, stop with the nonstop apologies, apologies won't work with me, I just wanted you to let me know that you were actually going to be late, I told Kiki to tell you to come in ." I paused for a moment. "Uncle, I-I" I stuttered and mumbled. "Hunter, I know you didn't try to betray me, after all you are 'The Golden Guard', it would hurt if you betrayed me, but I doubt you would even do that, right, Hunter?" I was nervous what to say. "Y-yes, Emperor Belos, I would never betray your trust." "Good, now I will let you get some rest, after all, you have school tomorrow for your mission, Goodnight Hunter." I look at my mask then I look up. 

Is there something I am missing? Am... I not worthy at all? 

And then rascal comes out and chirps at me, I laugh for a moment, look down and go to bed. I hope my next day at school will be like today's.

(How was it this time, I think it was better than my other chapters, especially since this is a little more realistic, in my opinion, I tried to do redo this as fast as I can, I stayed up 3am doing this sh*t, and it's not even good to me, but... fingers crossed for a higher ranking, more votes, and reads as well.)

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