Chapter 2

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I have never felt more awkward in my life. Sitting in the Obstetrician waiting room, alone. I looked around the room, the only other person in the room was one woman with long black hair, an oversized sweatshirt, and sweatpants, she looked like she would give birth any day now.

I lucked out; Mom was able to get an appointment today. There was a cancellation and I got in. Thank the stars for Canadian health care.

I shifted uncomfortably in the waiting room chair and looked around the room. The table in the middle of the room held various baby magazines about pregnancy, giving birth, and raising babies. The woman was too busy on her phone to acknowledge me.

I made eye contact with the receptionist at the front desk. She looked me over raising an eyebrow. I glanced down at my lap and flipped open a magazine. The receptionist turned back to her computer and started working again.

I skimmed the article in the magazine I opened. Baby IQ. The magazine seemed to be called. The article I found was on the name 'Alexa' and why it was becoming more common and why you should consider commonality when naming your child.

I closed the magazine and sat back in the chair. I did not need to think about baby names right now. That being said, there was so much about babies that I didn't know and that I wasn't prepared to begin now that I was pregnant. Sitting here in the Obstetrician's office, about to tell some stranger that I was pregnant, because my douche of an abusive ex-boyfriend wanted to get handsy with me three weeks ago, made me realize that this was real.

I placed my hands on my stomach. 'I have to face the fact that you exist.' I thought to the unborn fetus in my uterus.

I'm not ready to admit it to someone...


I looked up at my name being called to see a nurse standing at the end of the hallway. She was a petite woman in her thirties with black hair tied back in a high pony, wearing light pastel pink scrubs with happy-faced daisies plastered on them.

I stood up and walked over to the woman. I saw the pregnant woman glance questioningly up at me before turning back to her phone. I towered over the nurse by a good two feet. She raised an eyebrow at me, before I answered, "I'm Sorean."

"Okay. Follow me"

I followed the woman down the hallway and into a small doctor's office. I clutched my hands together as I sat cautiously on the examination table. I have always hated going to the doctor's office ever since I was a kid. The environment just unsettled me.

"Dr. Feint will be in to see you shortly" The nurse stated.

"Thank you," I mumbled, as the nurse left the room closing the door behind her.

I unconsciously kicked my legs back and forth, a nervous habit I developed, as I waited for the doctor. I looked around the small room at the posters on the wall of women during the first trimester, and how the fetus develops over the months.

I heard the door open as I turned to see the doctor walk in.

"Hello," she said, she was a young woman with chestnut brown hair, with a royal purple streak in it, pulled back into a low ponytail, she was wearing light blue scrubs with flowers on them. "I'm Dr. Emilia Feint, are you Sorean?" She asked as she held her hand out to me.

I blinked at the normal tone she used with me, "Yes, I am" I replied, as I shook her hand, I could tell that she was a good two feet shorter than my 6'2" height. I suddenly felt very self-conscious, as I sat on the bed and placed my hands on my stomach.

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