Seven - late night missing her

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      It was four-thirty in the morning and Lucas was growing increasingly annoyed with his lack of sleep that night.

      Naturally, being unable to sleep, he got out of bed, as most would probably do in this situation. However, instead of playing video games, reading, watching T.V, or whatever other people would probably do, he walked up to his window, opened it, and hopped out, the way he would do whenever he was going to pick up Max to stargaze. The only difference? Well, this time he was in his pyjamas, and he couldn't go get his bike, because of how late it was.

      So he walked. He walked all the way through the forest, remembering all the times he'd biked this way, past that one old tree where he and Max had carved out 'Sinclairfield hill' as a joke, which had actually taken them all night. Past the spot where he'd fallen over once and had been made fun of by Max for it, all the way to the hill. Their hill.

      He smiled and sat down, leaning on a nearby tree that gave a wonderful view of the sky.

     'I just don't know what to do about him anymore. He's so... he's just so terrible! I can't stand him!'

      He could almost hear the conversation, the one that had made this into their spot.

      It had been a cold winter night, about a week after the Snow Ball. The snow had gently covered the ground, snowflakes falling through the air, the way the Upside Down particles did tonight. She'd called him angrily, telling him how Billy was unbearable, and he'd come to pick her up after. She'd been ranting to them throughout their aimless walk, until they had stumbled across the hill and had decided to sit beside a tree to rest for while and appreciate the scenery.

      'Max, just wait. It'll get better. Besides, why's he messing with you again even though you literally threatened his life, while holding a bat with nails in it, the time he beat up Steve?'

      'Because he's stupid and he never learns! But you're right.'

      He remembered the moment that her voice turned soft as she turned to him. Their eyes meeting, her teasing and absolutely stunning smirk as she dragged him closer and kissed him, only their second kiss, then leaned her forehead against his, before they returned to stargazing.

      'Now, your turn. What's been bothering you, Lucas?'

      'The way Mike spends every minute with El. Like, don't get me wrong, they're a cute couple and all, but I think I finally agree with Hopper on this one. Mike's always either with El, or complaining that Hopper says they spend too much time together. They do, but he gets upset if we try to reason with him and get him to see it from Hopper's perspective. And god forbid we even come close to suggesting that he's right!'

      'I think you need to slowly ease him into the fact that he and El need to spend more than a couple hours away from each other. Maybe keep him in your house, say we had another breakup and tell him everyone else is busy and you want someone to talk to about it. By the way, this is the only time I'll allow you to pretend we broke up, because if you do it any other time without me letting you, I really will break up with you!'

      'That's a really good idea. And don't worry, I don't plan on saying we broke up any other times. I can't bare to lose you over that.'

      'I know it's a good idea. Why else would I suggest it?'

      'You always have the best advice. I think it's one of the things I love most about you.'

      And then he'd pointed out the moon and the two had erupted into laughter, and decided to just stargaze. For a moment, it was like she was right next to him again. Her side pressed against his, her soft laughter just beside his ear, his hand unknowingly holding onto hers. But she wasn't. She was lying in a hospital room, in a coma, a heart monitor beeping for no one to hear. It felt like her warm breath was right beside him, her head rested on his shoulder, but her head was really resting on a pillow, her warm breath not being felt by anyone. It was as if she was whispering about how bright the moon was, when the last thing she'd whispered was that she was scared.

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