Must Love The Playboy

5.7K 51 5

Author : notjustarandomgirl

Reads : 5.68 M

Votes : 167 K

Status : Ongoing

Summary :
(It is a must to read Must Date The Playboy and Must Hate The Playboy)

She dated him. He left her. She hated him. He came back. She wanted to be with him again. But he's already with someone else. She was hurt and broken. He was wrecked and confused.
Victoria Peige loved Zachary Anderson. Zach loved Tori.
Will she love him again?
Does he still love her?


This is the third book of the "Playboy" series.
Want some more of ZARI ? ❤❤
Read the book to find out what's in store for them. ❤
This is the final installment in the series and you can't miss this one for anything.

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