Strictly Business

2.7K 22 1

Author : TheRealOP

Reads : 3.7 M

Votes : 76.2K

Status : Completed

Summary :
"It's so simple," I say. "All we have to do is pretend we're in love with each other. You know, hold hands, share Eskimo kisses and all that crap. And at the same time, we'll destroy Jackson and Kristina's relationship. Make them think that their not right for each other. And next thing you know, you'll have Kristina, and I'll have Jackson, and everything will be how its supposed to be. Are you with me?" "Fine, I'll do it." He leans in close to my ear. "But don't get too attached. Remember this relationship is strictly business."


This book is full of twists and turns. A great story. Give it a try, you'll love it.

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