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Drowning. Suffocating. Tethered. Lost.

The cycle went on for the whole journey to Lord Richard's study room. This ache, she barely felt the stinginess - it came sharp and fast. She didn't care if she was in trouble now. Each step only carried the heaviness in that ache.

After what felt like ages, she dared to lift her head from the gift box. They were almost there. Lord Richard walked in front of her, his pace quick and elegant - sometimes he would toss a look over his shoulder to check if she was still behind him. All the while he had yet to talk to her, which was oddly comforting since Sam ran out of words with her blank mind.

Abruptly, he raked his decently combed hair with a small groan, then went on to rub the side of his neck. He looked exhausted as if the lordship's burdens and drama wore him out. Now that she noticed, not even his neatly suit would cover it out. Her shoulders sagged as guilt overpowered her recent turmoil. She was adding another burden for him.

The guards parted away from the door, allowing Lord Richard to open it after they greeted him. At least he managed to give her a warm smile that reached his eyes "Come in." and closed the door behind them after she entered.

Lord Richard's study room could fit her previous house's ground floor, bookshelves behind his enormous desk table; there were piles of papers herded on the left side of the edge of the table, with three bottles of ink with different colors on the left side with only the red and blue bottles corked. There was a stony fireplace a little further beside his table, with a rectangular furry rug enveloping the floor near the fireplace. Above the fireplace hung a large portrait of the Martel family, the frame shone like a radiant sun. Inside the portrait, each one of them stood tall, striking, and regal - a solid conviction of what royalty is. Although Sam's focus was solely on the gangly yet curvaceous woman beside Lord Richard. Recognition flashed in her mind.

"Sam Evan?" She remembered she never heard a voice such hypnotizing as hers. A faceless feminine figure crouched down to meet her eyes. She frowned deeply. Sam could put the face to her figure now. She remembered it wasn't a questioning voice. That woman spoke it like she owned the power.

"You looked just like your mother." Lady Yuvania's face only held a brief smile, added "You have my blessing as long as you live." Sam tethered to her voice. She didn't know why, it felt like it was the first time she felt magical.

It happened not more than seven years ago. Even if she wanted to remember it, she was hardly able to recall what had indeed happened that time. All she knew was she did come across her path long ago. No wonder when the first time she saw Matt, she felt like she saw him before. She recognized Lady Yuvania's eyes in him.

It doesn't matter now, it happened in the past. She died. Just like Meow. Her heart pang in ache.

With a shuffle of the page did she aware of another presence aside from her and Lord Richard in this room. Matt was lounging on his father's armchair with his both legs sitting on top of the armrest comfortably, his head buried over a thick book with leather front and back covers. He must be engrossed heavily to not notice their presence.

An Aphrodisiac Agreement. (The Rivals Academy Book 3). The title is engraved on the middle of the book cover in golden calligraphy. There's a paragraph of synopsis written in the same font behind. She should get the latest version of the The Rivals Academy series. Book 5 had her on the edge of her seat, cursing at the author for writing cliffhanger at the ending. It's illegal to write an ending that sign a death warrant for her favourite character. 

Death warrant. Would it be her fate for striking Eva?

Deciding to announce his presence to his son, Lord Richard walked over to Matt and lifted the book in a flash. Matt blinked, finally tilting his head up, only to see his father grinning at him deviously. It reminded her of the banter between Dave and her.

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