Chapter 6

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Caitlin's POV

I woke up a little earlier than I would on a typical school day. Today isn't just a typical school day with it being the first day, but that's not the reason that I'm extra eager to get to school.

I get dressed and go through my morning routine. When I was ready to leave I grabbed my school bag and ran down the stairs.

"I'm leaving." I announced it to both of my parents.

They both look at me with confused expressions. "Your brother isn't even up yet. How are you getting to school?"

"My board."

Momma P gets the horrid face expression every time I mention riding my longboard. "I will drive you. I don't want a car hitting you."

I roll my eyes. "I will be fine."

"And where do you think you are going to store your board?"

Leave it to Momma P to ask all the questions. "It's only a one time thing because I need to go get my schedule changed and I'm sure the superintendent being the kind man he is will let me leave it in there."

With that I grab my board and leave before they ask me any more questions. I put in my headphones and ride along with the sweet music playing through my ears.

My moms think longboarding is dangerous but I find it thrilling and relaxing. Washington has the perfect roads that go downhill and curve, so it's easy to pick up speed and not have to do too much pushing.

If I'm honest I could see how this is dangerous especially going to school where I'm on a backroad a lot with no sidewalks but I will never admit that to them.

When I get to school I pick up my board and hurry to the superintendent's office. I knock once and go straight in.

The man at the desk looks up and his eyebrows are furrowed until he sees me. "Hey sweetie." He stands up and comes towards me. "What do I owe for this morning's visit?"

I wrap my arms around him. "I wanted to see you grandpa."

Momma J's real dad was the principal for her at her school when she was in high school. When my parents moved he didn't like the distance and he had an opportunity to have a promotion and it worked out for all of us.

"Also I was hoping you could help me with something."

He chuckles as he goes back to his seat. "What is it you need me to do?"

"Well I need my schedule fixed..." I say hesitantly. "I want my last hour changed to pre-calculus."

He is grinning as he is chewing on the gum in his mouth. Between him and Pete Carrol (Seahawks head coach) it drives me insane how they chew it. "You know I think the world of you sweetie but you are not very good at math."

I sigh. "I really want to take this class. Please." I put my hands together and give him my best puppy dog face.

"Are you doing this because of some boy?"

I shake my head. "It's not because of a boy."

He examines me for a good minute. "You do realize that you will be leaving the class early because of soccer and not to mention you haven't taken algebra 2."

The last statement is the reason I'm here begging him because he is the only one I feel like could override that. "I know all of this but I'm telling you I can do this. Please grandpa."

He sits back as he ponders. "I can't promise you anything. I will talk to the teacher and see what strings I can pull. Stop here before your last period and I will tell you will be in pre-calculus or ..."

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