Chapter 27

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"Katie, Peyton and Caitlin, I need you guys to come here." Coach Harris calls out as the Eagles end their last practice of the season.

The three girls walk up to him, waiting to see what he wants.

"They are doing a blog video with each team. They wanted me to pick a couple players to participate in it." He points to the three of them. "You three are the lucky ones."

Katie looks the most excited. "When is it?"

"Now." He points to where they need to go. "They have everything set up over there under the tent. They will explain more."

The girls nod and walk away, but the coach has one more comment.

"Peyton, please wear your sweatshirt for the video."

Katie laughs as they head to the tent.

Peyton walks beside Caitlin. "Are you okay?" She can't gauge how she is doing since McKenna basically outed her to their teammates.

"I am good." Caitlin smiles. "To be honest, I am glad McKenna did that. I mean, she could have gone about it a different way and not in front of the coach but I don't care nor am I mad about it."

They got in the tent and there was a small couch for them to sit on.

"For your blog, we are going to have you guys answer questions from the bowl. You will go back and forth pulling out a slip of paper and then you will all answer. None of us will be in the video. It will just be you three."

The video starts recording and they begin with the questions.

Katie reaches into the bowl and pulls out a slip. "What is your favorite pizza topping?"

"Pineapple and pepperoni." Peyton answers first.

Caitlin looks disgusted. "Who puts pineapple on pizza? Pepperoni is my favorite, but you can keep the pineapple on your side."

"Who says I'm sharing a pizza with you?" Peyton winks and Katie rolls her eyes at the two flirting. "Katie you have to have my back on this. Pineapple on pizza is the best, isn't it?"

Both girls look at Katie waiting for her to answer.

"Sorry Caitlin, I would have to agree with Peyton on this." Katie gives Caitlin an unapologetic grin. "However, I wouldn't say that is my favorite. Load my pizza with just cheese and I am happy."

Caitlin shakes her head disagreeing with both of them.

Peyton puts her hand in now and pulls out the second slip. "What is your least favorite subject?" Peyton reads off. "I got this for everyone. Caitlin's is pre-calculus. Katie's is AP Chemistry. If I have to choose one for myself it would be any History course."

Everyone who knows Caitlin knows what her least favorite subject is so it wasn't a surprise Peyton knew. It was a surprise to both Caitlin and Katie that she knew what Katie's least favorite subject was.

"Are you in my mind?" Katie questions Peyton as she reaches in the bowl for the next question, skipping Caitlin's turn to choose. "Ok there is no way we will have the same answer for this or you know this about me. What's one song that you'll always remember the words to?"

Caitlin and Peyton both take a moment to think so Katie answers first as she had an answer right away.

"Call Me Maybe, I can sing that song forward or backwards." Katie

"I kissed a girl by Katy Perry." Peyton's answer lands her a smack by Katie.

"You would say that."

Peyton didn't like that comment so she picked another song. "I Wish I Never by Kehlani."

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