Chapter 18

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Caitlin POV

"You are an asshole." I scream at my brother as I smack his arm over and over. "I seriously can't fucking believe you!"

Logan's face gets red as he takes a hold of my arms. "What the hell is your problem?"

It wasn't long until we heard a group of footsteps and Momma J, Momma P, and Aunt Callie appear in the kitchen.

"What on earth is going on?" Momma J demands to know.

"She has gone fucking insane." Logan hollers as he lets go of my arms.

I raise my hand to point at him and Logan takes a step back. "Because you are a fucking dumbass!"

"Enough!" Momma J shouts. "Both of you better not say another word or I will put soap in both of your mouths. I do not care how old you are."

I don't speak, but I keep my eyes locked on Logan's.

"Now tell us what has you two at each other's throats."

Neither Logan nor I say a word to her.

Aunt Callie nudges Momma J. "You told them not to speak." She reminds me.

Momma J sighs in frustration. "I meant they are not to cuss." She looks at me first. "Caitlin, what is the problem here?"

"Logan told Tyler I was moody and on my period." I speak through gritted teeth. "It's embarrassing and untrue. Plus it's not something that Logan needs to tell anyone if I was, especially a guy I am on a date with."

Logan rolls his eyes. "Obviously I wasn't wrong about you being moody, just look at yourself lately Caitlin."

I take a step forward but Aunt Callie stands between us.

"I am not moody!" I claim. "I am stressed!"

"You have been so stressed since you got back from camp!" Logan is visibly aggravated. "You have made us all suffer. What the hell happened to you?"

Aunt Callie and Momma P both know most of it, but maybe it's time for Logan and Momma J to know as well. If Logan really thinks I am making everyone suffer...

I take a deep breath as my body shakes. I close my eyes for a brief second and reopen them. "I fell for someone at camp."

Logan's eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "As in you fell for a coach there? One of the guy coaches, right?" I'm

His eyes are practically pleading for me to tell him that is the truth. "No." I look over at Momma J and then back at him. "Peyton went to the same camp. I fell for her okay?"

"Unbelievable." Logan mutters and walks out of the kitchen.

The sound of the front door slams. It hurts, not going to lie... Why did he walk out like that?

"Caitlin you should sit so we can talk about this." Momma J insists.

I do as she says and take a seat. I looked at Momma J since she was the only one who didn't know... or so I thought.

"Why don't you look more surprised?" I question only her.

"That's because, uh..." Her attention goes to Momma P. "Did you know about this already?"

"Yes." Momma P tells her. "Caitlin has talked to me about it."

A hurt expression takes place on her face. "You told her and your aunt, but you didn't tell me?"

I feel bad... It makes me feel like I'm favoring one over the other. "I went to Aunt Callie at camp. Momma P knows because of an incident..."

Momma J looks at Momma P. "And you didn't tell me?"

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