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"The ritual can only be performed on a soul that remains in the house at midnight."

Just like the threat on the wall in the storeroom warned me.

"Anyone have any idea what time it is now?" Lewis asked. Max squinted at his watch face in the dim candlelight. "It's coming up to half past ten. There isn't much time left." "Is there anything in there about how to escape?" Lewis looked over Kris' shoulder to have a better look at the book. She flicked through the pages as fast as she could.

"What's that?" Lewis leaned forward. "Go back a page. I think

I saw something."

Kris obliged. On the page that had caught his interest was an intricate diagram.

"It's some sort of ritual symbol." Kris turned the book around so Max could see. It resembled a circle surrounded by strange runes and markings. "It says here that it's called the Circle of Preservation. According to this, if we draw this symbol and stand in the middle, nothing can break through the barrier created by it."

"It sounds crazy, but I guess that it's the best chance we have." Lewis said.

"After everything that's happened here tonight, I'm willing to start believing in crazy, Lewis," Max replied. "At this point, it's not only the best chance we have, it's the only chance we have." Max cautiously opened the hatch and peered through the crack.

"The coast looks clear." He whispered.

They quietly lowered the ladder, and all climbed down.

"Oh no Lewis, You're bleeding!" Kris exclaimed, and she pointed to his forehead. Lewis looked confused and wiped the small blood trail from his brow.

"I banged my head on something whilst escaping from that monster earlier." He shrugged. "I guess it hurt me more than I realised."

"When you've both finished, we need to decide where we're going to perform the ritual." Max said.

"How about in the main hall downstairs? There should be more than enough space there." Lewis suggested.

"Sounds good. But do any of us even have a pen or anything we can draw with?" Kris asked cluelessly. They all shook their heads in reply.

"I could have a look through all the missing kids' stuff." Max mused. "There has to be something in there we can use. While

I'm looking, just wait here and keep a lookout."

Max entered the bedroom once more. Everything was as he'd left it a while ago. He reopened the wardrobe and started to rummage through the piles of backpacks.

Come on! There's got to be something in here... Yes! Max pulled out a box of chalk.

"Stop..." A ghostly voice echoed in his ear. It was the same eerie voice as before.

"Who are you?" Max called out blindly into the room. "Show yourself!"

"I'm here... In the back of the wardrobe..." The voice whispered. "I have to stay hidden... Otherwise he'll know I'm


Max paused.

I... I recognise that voice.

He leaned into the wardrobe's depths. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Max gasped and fell back in disbelief. A boy stepped out from the wardrobe. He was a deathly shade of white and his ethereal body shimmered as he moved. As the ghost straightened up, Max noticed a bloodied red hole where his heart must have once been.

Max was right. He did recognise the voice, and now he knew exactly who his ghostly visitor was.

It was Oliver. 

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