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I've told Jorge everything, and I mean everything that has happened between me and Mikel. At first, I was really hesitant to mention anything, especially about Mikel, but he made it clear that he hasn't fallen in love with me and could take the news. He assured me many times that it's totally fine.

"I understand your fear. It's all new to you." Jorge pats my shoulder. We're currently sitting at Isabella's restaurant. People keep coming in and it looks like today is going to be a busy day. It's Monday. "Just give it time. Mikel is probably freaking out, too."

"I know. But what if I fuck this up? What if he doesn't really want this?" I groan in frustration, looking at the coffee I ordered 20 minutes ago and has probably gone cold already. "What if I don't want this? What if it's just the heat of the moment?"

"Is it?" Jorge asks me, arching a brow.

Deep down, I know it isn't. The feeling is new to me, yes – that I can't deny. I guess I'm just so scared of this feeling because I have never experienced this before. I was a certified NGSB: no girlfriend since birth. And... or NBSB. The point is, I haven't been in a relationship since I was born until now. Until Mikel.

And Mikel is a guy.

That I'm very much aware of. So what should I need to do? Do I need to do something? We are boyfriends now, and... what does the person in a relationship do?

Jorge laughs at how conflicted I am, and I roll my eyes at him. I stir the coffee in front of me with little interest, and Isabella comes rushing by, giving me a thumbs up. She has already snooped several times and knows what's going on.

"Am I gay? Do I look gay?" I ask him. Isabella pops up her head from the kitchen door.

"Gay is not a look," she responds and shuts the door. Jorge nods his head, a smile tugged on his lips.

"Mira... just enjoy it, okay?" he takes a huge bite of his egg sandwich. Crumbs stuck on the corner of his lips, and he doesn't bother removing it. "You'll figure it out soon. You don't need to figure it out now. You'll have a lot of time for that."

"How can you sound so sure?" I ask, taking a sip of the cold coffee.

Jorge sighs as if talking to me is exasperating. He flicks my forehead. "Because I was there. I've been there. And I know the feeling of... you know, unclarity. I just didn't wake up one day and realized: oh, I'm interested in boys and girls. It took me a long time to figure that out. And I was really pressured because a lot of people seemed to be figuring it all out quickly and I wasn't. That made it hard for me."

"Now I sound like an asshole,"

"You're not," Jorge pats my back. "I had Isabella when I was dealing with it, and you're going to have me as you deal with it. Just take your time. You'll get there. Trust me."

I smile at him. We spend the day together. Luisa has finally come home and she's taking care of little Pablo now. Mikel is going to come home today. The doctor finally said he's good to go. He also said that Mikel cannot do extraneous activities such as running and lifting for over 2 weeks and to a month, but the doctor encouraged him to continuously move or walk around.

Jorge feels bad for Mikel after learning what happened, and he's glad that Mikel is doing fine. Though I worry for him still. His appendix has been completely removed. The doctor assured that everything is completely fine, and that appendix doesn't have much role in our body.

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