✮.*・。゚" OH. " ✮.*・。゚

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i woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. i turned over in bed and read the time. 10:30.

fuckk. my head was throbbing and i felt sick. i could barely remember what happened last night. i suddenly became very aware of how uncomfortable my outfit was, and so i got up slowly and changed into some pyjama shorts and a pyjama top. it was quite chilly in the apartment, so i began looking around for a sweater.

just then, i noticed a sweater that wasn't mine strewn on the top of my office chair. i picked it up and my stomach dropped when i looked at the design on the front. this was oscar's hoodie. i immediately began panicking.

after around 5 minutes of checking through all my messages and missed calls to check i hadn't called him to come over, i found nothing , and calmed down a bit. i threw on the sweater, it still smelled like him. i knew i shouldn't because he ruined my mental health, but i miss him.

i walked over to my door, opening it and walking out into the main apartment towards the kitchen where tommy was sitting at the dining table.

" hi tommy." i said, suddenly a wave of dizziness came over me and i had to sit down.
" hey mae. whoa? you okay?" he asked, sounding concerned. i simply nodded in response.
" um, were you awake when i got home last night?" i questioned, rubbing my hands on my temples.
" yea, why do you ask?" he answered.
" i just want to know, did i come home with anybody else?"
" yes, you did." he responded calmly.
" oh ."
" yeah. he brought you to your room and then i think he kissed you. that's all i saw, i was sitting in the living room and neither of you noticed me." he said, looking at me.
" shit." i said, beginning to panic again. a ringing began in my ears and i brought my hands up to cover them. tommy quickly shot up from his spot at the table, bringing me a glass of water. he gently brought my hands away from my ears.
" take this, it will make you feel better if you're hungover." he softly said, handing me a tablet in one hand and a glass of water in the other. i swallowed the pill and drank some water to wash it down.

" what did the guy look like?" i asked, knowing full well who it was, but just wanting to be sure.
" he was tall and he had light brown hair, i think his name was oscar or somethi-" tommy was interrupted by a knock at the door.
" i'll get it." he said, walking over to the door and unlocking it.
" hello, i'm here for mae." oscar greeted.
" um, she's not here." replied tommy.
" don't lie, i know she is." he argued.
" sorry mate, she's out." tommy insisted.
" who even are you?"
" i'm tom, mae's roommate." he answered.
" liar. your probably her boyfriend, that whore."
" how dare you." tommy said, getting angry. i stood up and walked over.
oscar smiled when he saw me, trying to push past tommy and get to me. tommy stood his ground, putting his arm in front of me.
" oscar. go away, we're over. you're disgusting and i never want to see you again. now leave before i call the police." i firmly told him. oscar looked terrified when i threatened to call the cops on him, running away quickly.
" are you okay?" tommy asked, turning to look at me. i simply burst into tears.


me and tommy sat under a blanket on the sofa in the living room, watching friends. out of nowhere, he paused it and turned to face me.
" if you don't mind me asking what happened between you and oscar?" he asked, seemingly trying to be careful about what he said.
" i'm sorry, i don't think i'm comfortable with talking about it yet, i'll tell you soon though, i promise. all you need to know is that we used to take though." i answered.
" okay, i'm sorry for asking. i don't mean to push your boundaries or anything! it's really none of my busine-" he began to apologise, but was stopped by me placing a finger on his lips.
" it's alright! you weren't to know." i smiled at him, reaching for the tv remote and clicking the play button.
chandler threw a sarcastic insult at monica and i giggled, watching the screen. friends is my favourite show.
however, i could see in my peripheral vision that tommy wasn't looking at the tv screen, he was looking at me, smiling slightly.

the weird thing is, that i normally feel uncomfortable when people stare at me, but tommy's gaze made me feel kind of safe, and it brought a light blush to my cheeks.


emily's corner

yay new chapter!!
sorry this one is quite short, i've been rlly busy and tired today, i think my cold is coming back 😞😦!!!

anyway, i just wanna say thank you for all the love and support on my story! it's really fun writing this !! i am currently at 59 reads overall, with around 12 viewers per chapter! thank you sm!!💓

i love u guys!! 💗💗

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