Part 28: Luo Ruoye and Hua E-Ming

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(GUYS! I'm adding myself into the story, I hope ya'll don't mind. But I am going to be a near a living pot plant! N e ways. Shout out to my dear friend @berry-tart for  taking the role for E-Ming! My name is Luo Ziyan so I will now be called Luo Ruoye. I think you all know what objects human form I am going to take! MY FRIEND IS ALSO GONNA BE HERE NEXT CHAPTER!!! Enjoy~) :P

After a few days of staying in the mortal realm in the Lan Sect, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng were quietly observing their son and their daughters. Their son really close to Lan wangji, while the girls would gossiping and talk about other's behind their back. Don't worry, it ain't nothing nasty. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are really protective so they were eyeing him 24/7. When he, eat, sleeps...etc.

 But..You all expected the girls to all be single for life right? Well...wrong. YingHua was eyeing someone for a long time. But never showed any suspicions. But Xie Lian, the person that knew his daughter best, had some...suspicions.Hua Cheng was completely clueless until he was told by Xie lian. Hua Cheng was like "oh...who is it...🙂?"

Moving on...from. ahem. love life and suspicions...Jun Wu called Xie Lian and Hua Cheng up to the heavens one day to discuss a matter.  When they got there, everyone had another person, most likely a child next to them.

Hua Cheng: Is it parenting day for the heavenly officials! FINALLY. EXPERIENCE OUR PAIN.

Jun Wu: Um. no.

Xie Lian: A-die. Then why did you call us here? 

Jun Wu: We just discovered that your spiritual weapon can turn into a living thats why there is so much heavenly officials with different people. May we check your weapons? Ruoye and E-ming?

Xie Lian: But...sure father.

Hua Cheng hesitated but said ok at the end when his gege gave him a stare.

They handed their weapons to Jun Wu and he put some spiritual energy into E-ming and Ruoye and started to chant. Then, they turned into little children, about the age of 10-12 years old. Xie Lian looked at the children with a surprised face while Hua Cheng just raised his eyebrows. Ruoye who turned into a girl wearing white robes like Xie Lian. She has white hair with a streak of black that is tied up with a white piece of silk. Really bright yellow eyes. She looks innocent and wholesome...E-ming is a whole new story though. E-Ming had eyes like Hua Cheng but one eye is red and one eye is complete black. She has black robes with golden streaks and hair tied up with a red hair tie. They both looked really pretty.

Ruoye: Hello master Xie! My name is Luo Ruoye as you have named me. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in my human form. 

Ruoye said with a bow.

E-Ming: Hello master Hua..My name is Hua E-ming. As also, you have named me. It's nice to meet you I guess....

Xie Lian was horrified.

Xie lian: So you telling me...I have been using a CHILD to FIGHT my battles with me! How could I do that...

So Xie lian was murmuring to himself while Ruoye tried her best to comfort her while Hua Cheng and e.ming were having an intense staring battle that made everyone in the hall to get out from the tention.

Hua Cheng: So..I have been using a child to fight. huh?

Hua E-Ming: Yes, you have. But the amounts of times you smacked me.

Hua Cheng: So?

The staring battle continued.

Ruoye: I'm sure Master Hua didn't mean it Hua Hua~

Hua E-Ming just ignored her and kept staring at her owner.

Ruoye sighed and kept on comforting her own master and just let the two try get along now.

Ruoye: For the last time I'm fine! I'm not even scratched! You took very good care of me, and Ruoye thanks you!

Still not remembering that Jun Wu was watching the whole time awkwardly...

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