1: Graduation

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"Genevieve Iris Glasser." boomed through the large gym.

I smiled an elated smile as I walked off of the stage and back to my seat, my hand wrapped around an elegant piece of paper which stated that I had successfully graduated college. Nothing could bring me out of my euphoric mood, not the screams of the audience filled with beloved family members, not the clicks of high-heeled shoes on the stage as girls waltzed across, not even the painful squeak each chair produced as we returned to our seats.

Nothing but one thing. One person, to be exact.

As she danced across the stage to retrieve her diploma, I could hardly hold down the bile that rose in my throat. The way she pretended to be a princess, the most perfect girl on earth, made me want to throw up. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to remind myself that she shouldn't be a parasite in my mind anymore, I never have to see her ever again after this day.

    Once everyone had made their way across the stage, our school's Alma-Mater began ringing through the gym, signaling for us to stand and take our final walk down the aisles as college students. Once we had all gathered outside, I noticed everyone removing their caps. Someone started a countdown beginning with "five." Before we could all scream "one," caps littered the air, tassels flying freely and elegantly through the sky until gravity brought them back into our hands again. We all cheered and screamed, hugging each other, for some of us knew we would never see some of these people again in this lifetime.

     Flashing lights were all around me, people snapping celebratory pictures with their family members. People around me were screaming, hugging and crying, enjoying their new-found freedom and new lives.

     The smile hadn't left my face until I was taken off guard by being shoved backwards a few steps. I glanced up to see her, looking at her friends and giggling as if she were in on a joke that I wasn't. She pinched the tips of her hair and twisted them around in her slim fingers while she chuckled and mumbled out a "sorry" before bouncing happily away with her personal cult.

     I scowled, but brushed it off before I did anything rash. I turned around, annoyed, walking towards my car to go to lunch with my family. As I slammed the door to my jet-black SUV, I took off my graduation cap and tossed it in the back seat. I checked my rear view mirror before starting the engine to back out of my spot, but she caught my eye. Still giggling that bubbly laugh, still surrounded by people who she won't recognize in five years, and still getting on my last nerve.

Suddenly, I jumped in fright and lightly hit my head on the roof of my car. Bringing my hand to the top of my head and rubbing it comfortingly, I glanced out of the side window, wondering who or what launched themselves at my car. But my face morphed from a scowl to a smile as I recognized my best friend Emilia smiling through the passenger window, pointing at the lock. I laughed as I pressed the button on my door and she hopped into the car.

"Congrats Gen!" she squealed, leaning over the arm rest between our seats to wrap her arms around my neck. I chuckled and hugged her in response.

"You too, babe! We made it!" I chuckled, holding up my diploma.

"Let's take a selfie on this momentous occasion." she said in a timely voice, raising an eyebrow, but her serious facade ruined by the corner of her mouth turning upward. I laughed and rolled my eyes, leaning over into the shot and smiled, holding up my diploma and leaning my head onto Emilia's shoulder. The shudder sounded and we relaxed, leaning back into our own seats.

"So where is your family going to eat, because my family is gonna go to the same place." she casually asked.

"This cool place called The Mellow Mushroom, they have really good gluten free pizza."

"Alright awesome, I'll text my mom and tell her."

We drove down the interstate with the windows rolled down, enjoying our youth and the moments we had as best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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