the wedding: part 2

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Amber pov

I just came back to the den two hours before midnight to pack some things that I would need for tomorrow before going to the mothership.

As I was changing out of my outfit onto something more comfortable I noticed that my shirt was tighter then usual

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my stomach did look a bit chubbier then before which I didn't understand I haven't been eating much.

Maybe it's stress about the wedding? Yeah that's what it is it all in my head I thought to myself not very convinced

Maybe I needed a second opinion

I'm gonna miss you Willa said coming into the room

It's only for one night you see me tomorrow afternoon when I walk down the aisle I said

I know but still the beds gonna be lonely without u Willa said

You be fine. Now I have to finished packing I said as wiggled our of her grip and finished getting what I I needed

I'll see you tomorrow I said

Ok Willa said as we kissed each other goodbye.

I decided to go to Addison's house to talk to her about this whole weight gain thing to see if it was just in my head

Hey amber what brings you by so late Addison asked

I wanted to talk to you I'm kinda feeling out here I said

Is it about the wedding? Addison asked as she let me in

No. It's about me I said as I told her about the outfit fitting and what JC said about me possibly gaining weight

Well I have noticed that your clothes have been looking a bit snug these last two months Addison said

I don't get it. this wedding has been stressing me out. I have barley eaten anything in the last two months I shouldn't be gaining weight I said

Amber calm down im sure it just stress you know stress can make u gain weight Addison said as I nodded

Your right that's what it is I said

Of course it is. I mean it can't be anything else unless your pregnant and didn't know it Addison said like a joke as I looked at her

Oh my god! I could be pregnant I said freaking out

Amber I was just joking but if u think you might be then go get a pregnancy test before you go to the mother ship but I honestly believe your not pregnant Addison said as I nodded and left

Addison may be have been right but better safe than sorry. I did not want to end up like one of those girls on the show on I didn't know I was pregnant.

After I got my test I went to the mothership

Amber your finally here we have been waiting for you Aspen said

I'm sorry. I had to pick up something I as Ali noticed the box and took it

Pregnancy test? Ali asked as I nodded

There's a less gross and quicker way to see if your with child ali said

How I asked

Just stand there and let the mother ship scanned you Aspen said as I nodded and stayed where I was as the mothership scanned me

Well? I asked

Your two months pregnant with twins the mother ship said

Pregnant?! Twins?! I said before I fainted

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