chapter 13

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Amber pov

I was currently in the hospital Willa had to drive since I couldn't even though she didn't have her license and the contractions we becoming closer together

You ok? Willa asked

No I'm not I wished I took the epidural everything hurts I said

Doctor isles said it would be better for me and the twins if I didn't use medicine for the pain and I agreed not to but now I regret it

Want the heating pad she asked

No! What I want is for them to be out! I shouted as she just nodded

I've been yelling at her for the past hour. I felt bad she didn't deserved to be yelled at but at that moment I didn't care

Soon the doctor came in to check to see what far along I was

Your about five centimeters dilated  you'll be ready soon she said

You said that the last time you were in here and I changed my mind I want a epidural it hurts to much I said

But I thought we talked about u doing it natural without medicine doctor isles said

I don't fucking care what we talked about before I just said I wanted an epidural! NOW GIVE ME AN EPIDURAL!! I said scaring her

I would do as she asked Willa said as she nodded and left

After I got the epidural I felt better I wasn't in as much pain as before and I was able to take nap since I was gonna need all the energy I could get when it was time to push

When I woke up I saw the nurse leave

What did she say I asked

Your at 7 now Willa said as I nodded

Do u want anything besides the twins out Willa asked

I'm thirsty I said as Willa nodded

I snuck this in while you were sleeping Willa said handing me mountain dew which was my favorite

Thank you I said as I drank half the bottle in one sitting

Dang you were thirsty Willa said

Shut up I said as she smiled at me

Over the past hour and a half we had some visits from our friends before I was ready to push

Can we stay and watch Alan asked

We are curious Aspen said as Ali nodded

Yeah I don't think so I said not wanting an audience

Aww they said as the doctor kicked them out

Alright let's do this the doctor said

After two hours and thirty minutes of pushing, screaming and cursing out Willa for getting me pregnant the twins were finally born

After two hours and thirty minutes of pushing, screaming and cursing out Willa for getting me pregnant the twins were finally born

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We had decided to name our daughter Aisla which meant noble in old German and we named our son Wesley.

Aisla had taken after her momma and had curly black hair and Wesley had a head full of dark blue hair. I had a feeling that it would become lighter when he got older

They were perfect.

After about a week or so we where able to bring them home.

Even after a week the twins had developed their own personality

Wesley was quiet and didn't cry as much and liked to sleep,  Aisla on the other hand was a drama queen and very observant and didn't like to sleep very much.

I'm surprised Wyatt didn't come to the hospital this morning with wynter I said

Since the twins were born he's been obsessed with them especially with Aisla. Whenever she cries for no good reason he will pick her up and hold her.

Maybe he's busy with something Willa said as she drove us home while I sat in the back with the twins

Yeah I said as we pulled up to the forbidden woods and got out and walked the rest of the way to the den

When we got there we saw what Wyatt was busy doing

Wyatt what is this? Willa asked

A party for the twins Wyatt said

It's a welcome home party wynter said as she and Alexis came over

We just shook our heads. Like I said Wyatt was obsessed. I couldn't wait to see how he would act when he had kids of his own

They are so cute can I hold one Alexis asked as me and Willa shared a look

We have been trying to be nice to Alexis and have been getting to know her and she wasn't like the other vampires

Ok here u can hold Wesley I said as I handed her Wesley

I watched as she carefully supported his head

He's so cute Alexis said as she smiled at him while he looked at her content

We sent the afternoon talking, taking pictures of the twins with different people and just enjoying each other's company

Guys we have something to tell u guys Addison said as we looked at her after me and Willa

What is it Addie Bree asked as Addison and Zed smiled

We are having a baby Addison said as we gasped

Congratulations Bree said as I nodded

How far are u Eliza asked

Two weeks. we found out yesterday Addison said as we nodded

This has been been a rollercoaster. A lot has happened. We found out that aliens existed I found out that  me and wynter are half alien, I married the love of my life and had two adorable children. I wouldn't change anything.

A/N: hey guys I'm thinking of ending this book here and just a make a third book. If u have ideas for the the third book comment down below or pm me. And thanks again for all the support and love that I have received from this book.

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