Black like tar

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There was a voice. It sounded familiar. But it was so far away. When Jade opened her eyes, she could see the blurry outline of someone standing above her. 

"Oh thank god, you're okay" Célia carefully hugged her, sighing in relief. People gathered around the girl that had been unconcious, who jumped straight up, the second she realized what had happened.

The movement had too fast, as she slumped down again, rubbing her head with a groan.  Everything was dizzy and it sounded like a bell was ringing inside her ears. An thumping headache dulled her thoughts, squeezing her brain. 

 "Quick, she needs medical attention!"- "What happened?"- "Everything is ruined!" The voices started to grow louder. They were resounding inside her head. The stressed tension, the rising panic from the guests. It all over-flooded her. Wave over wave crushed upon her mind. 

Squinting her eyes in pain, Jade tried to cut off the negative emotions forming inside her chest. She could feel the fear, not only hers, but from everyone around her. It creeped around her lungs, clutching them in a chokehold. Made it hard to breathe. 

Everybody was going on and on at her, buzzing like wasps, not leaving off. She shook her head, trying to calm down. Her hands covered her ears, frantically trying to block out the noise.

"No, stop,...stop. Please..." 

Inside her head, she saw the events rushing by. It was loud, she could hear screams, see the flashing lightning shooting right at her. "Stop, stop please!"  The echo inside her head got louder and stronger, bouncing off the walls of her brain like mad laughter. Faces and lights flashed before her closed eyes. Bright, colourful. Too much. Too much...–

 She screamed.

Something exploded.

 Looking at the floor, Jade could see cracks appearing from were she was sitting. Crawling around her like slender spider legs. The sky went as dark as the night and thunder chimed from the black clouds that formed above their heads. 

The people started to run. Screaming in panic and fear. The plants, which used to decorate the house, decayed and the tiles of the house started to fall off when the ground started to shake. 

Célia held onto her brother, her eyes on Jade. An expression of pure shock and fear was written over her face. Jade stumbled, looking down at her cramped hands. With her fear growing, the wind started to burst through the doors and windows, ripping at the curtains like a hurricane. 

People fell to their knees, crying out in pain. They couldn't move their muscles anymore, even if every cell in their body screamed at them to run and get to safety. Paralysed. It was like something was draining out the force of life itself. 

A wooden pillar exploded, sending splints of decayed wood over the place. 

Jade couldn't think, couldn't see. Her body was burning in pain and her panic made her thoughts overrun her like deep waves of the ocean. Her pupils grew and the black filled out her eyes like a deceasing virus.  

"Jade, listen to me!" The voice of Sebastian appeared in her mind. "You need to calm down! I know this is the worst thing to say right now! But you have to trust me! Just- just focus on me okay? Don't look anywhere else!" 

Jade turned around, searching for the source of his voice. Her eyes had turned completely black, forming a blazing contrast to her paper pale skin. But her desperate expression stayed. She was still capable of feeling emotions. 

Sebastian slowly raised his hands in a defensive way. He was taking careful steps towards the girl, trying to relax his own heart as much as possible. She flinched at his movement and a tear rolled down her snow-white cheek. 

 "It's okay. I'm here." Sebastian spoke with a low, quiet tone, trying to reassure her. He locked his blue eyes with hers. The wind started slowly to disappear. His powers worked. As long as he was calm, Jade would also be.

She felt her brain go numb as if somebody had stuffed a back of cotton through her ear. Only a warm feeling lured her beating heart to slow down.

The thunder stopped as the clouds slowly turned back into their fluffy sheep forms again. Jade's eyes turned back to their usual green and she could feel her panic fading. She took a deep breath like she just arised from the ocean, gasping for air.

"There you go." Sebastian slowly released her emotions, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Jade?" Célia was crouching in a corner, still looking frightened. She supported her scratched knees when she stood up, leaning on a pillar. "What did you do?", her voice was dangerously quiet. 

Jade narrowed her brows in confusion, only now realizing the destruction around her. She widened her eyes in shock. 

 The doors and windows were broken down, ripped from their hinges. Dead plants hung low from their pots and cracks were cut through the concrete walls.

 "What happened? What have you done?!" The anger in her voice rising, Célia stepped forward gesturing her hands towards Jade. "You destroyed our home and ruined my birthday!"

 Jade's brows shot up in disbelief . "Célia, stop" Sebastian stood in front of his sister, blocking her from the girl.

 "You can't blame her for this. Do you really think she wanted this to happen?", He whispered, trying to reason with his sister, who hissed out a curse. 

 "You think I did this?" Jade answered in a quiet, dangerous tone. But she couldn't cover up the pain and sting of betrayal she felt when she saw her 'friend' looking at her like she was some blood-thirsty monster. 

Her eyes, now filled with anger, locked with Célia's. Her speaking made Sebastian turn to face her. 

Mr. and Mrs. Valdez appeared from the rubble, hugging their children, relieved that they were okay after they've lost them in the crowd minutes ago.

 Célia hurried away from her mother, accusingly pointing at Jade. "She did all this!" 

"So that's what you're thinking?!" Jade also raised her voice in anger, and a faint growl of thunder made her flinch and look at her hands, a hint of fear in her green eyes.

"I want you to stay away from me and my family!" Célia shouted, her voice tinted in pain, yet strong with fury. 

The black-haired girl looked at Célia again. "Thirty minutes ago, you we're the one panicking! And who helped you?! I did!" Jade snapped back.

 A stronger breeze whisked her hair over her face. 

Sebastian turned to the girl and made a careful step towards her. The two exchanged a few unhearable words. Sebastian's blue eyes signaled her to stay calm. It worked the same way as before, and Jade crossed her arms in front of her chest, letting him explain everything to his parents.

"We cannot let her leave. It is too dangerous. If she stays, Sebastian will always be around, to prevent further destruction. He can calm her down, thanks to his blessing" 

Mrs. Valdez was talking to her family, trying to figure out what to do now. "But-" Célia was cut off by her father Hugo.

 "Your mother is right. If we let her go back to her father, this... whatever it is, could be triggered way too fast. It's a risk we can't take.", He explained in a low voice. 

"But she will stay in a room and we will bring her the food. No further interaction. I will do some research to find out what is going on. It's the best for all of us.", he added with a sorrowed sigh. 

Sebastian frowned and looked over to Jade, who was rubbing her arms in a defensive way, the guilt showing in her eyes.

 So he should just forget that she was there, neither worry or care about her? Just lock her away, like she was some bad memory? 

His father couldn't be serious. But he could feel the fear of his parents, Célia's anger about her used-to- be friend.

 With a sigh, he loosened his gaze from Jade and turned back to his parents, who were discussing the further steps and approaches.

Why had all of this happened?

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