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She stumbled back. Her heart pounded up her throat, as if it wanted to jump right out of her skin. 

Jade clenched her hands, the blood of her step-mother dripping onto the pavement beneath her feet and staining her clothes.  

The silence was like the quiet before the storm. Nobody dared to move. 

 "You... You killed her!",  her father started to yell, his voice drowned in anger. 

The memories hit Jade like a punch in the face, the sudden feeling of dejavu almost knocking her off her feet.

This was just like Célia's birthday. Horrified looks, and Jade standing in the middle of the crushing spotlight. 

The crowd around the two people released a collective gasp, rumours already spreading like a wildfire. 

"This is why your mother left us! You're cursed! A witch!" , his voice snapped, sounding like whip-cracks over the market place. 

The circle around them widened at the man's words as if they were contagious and the people might get infected by Jade's precence. 

"Hey! You leave her alone!", Célia wanted to step forward, but got held back by her brother, who didn't take his eyes off Jade. The girl seemed to be in some kind of frozen trance, not even flinching when her own father accused her of being a monster. 

Mr. Connery suddenly stepped forward, his face twisted and red with rage. His raised hand shot down at her.

The sound of skin ripping at the impact of pure violence cut through the cold air. Somebody from the crowd screamed. But nobody moved. 

Jade had her head thrown back, her cheek already bruising. That seemed to snap her out of her shock. She slowly touched her face, her fingers smearing dark blood over the wound. 

 Just when her father brought down his fist a second time, Jade suddenly caught it midway, leaving the man in surprise. Her expression was as cold as the arctic sea. Her emerald eyes blazed. 

The breeze grew wilder and the sky went dark, ash clouding the white sun. 

"You used to tell me that it was for my own good. That the pain taught me decipline" Her dangerously quiet voice was filled with the thunder that echoed from the mountains. 

"Let me return the lessons"

Her father wanted to free himself from the sudden iron grip the girl had around his wrist. But her nails dug into his skin, leaving permanent marks. 

"You dare..." He gasped out, but his voice was silenced by lighting blazing over the sky. 

Jade never lost his gaze, even when he screamed out in pain. 

"I have the power over death." She twisted his arm until the sound of cracking bones chimed over the crowd. The man fell to his knees, tears rolling down his face.
 "I think its time to remind you, not. To mess. With me"

 Her voice got deeper, like somebody was turning down the volume. She wasn't sounding like herself anymore.
More angry, more inhuman. More like... a demon.

Her green eyes turned black as the night. Dark fog crept from open windows, hissing like it contained a thousand snakes. 

That was when the people finally started to run. They've seen the storm at the ceremony, but this was something different. And not in a good way. 
Claire Valdez was desperatly trying to get her children to leave, but Célia had already loosened herself from Sebastian's grip and was trying to fight her way through the panicked mass, closely followed by her brother. 

What used to be a soft breeze had turned into a hurricane, swiping people off their feet, carrying them into the sky a few metres, and then dropping them again onto the cobblestone street.
Plants got ripped out of the soil, making dirt rain over everyone who tried to escape the dreading scene.

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