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                        I will not be continuing this story any longer!

                                                                      I've been getting a lot of stress from too many books and I just don't have the feeling to continue 'Aether x Kaeya.' I'm sorry you all never got to see 'Fall in love.' or 'Kiss just once' I just don't- Ship it, that much anymore. it's a good ship I will tell you that it's just this book I've been stressing over because I have no ideas or motivation. and it doesn't make me feel happy that much anymore. I'm not doing it for myself anymore. the last couple of chapters were me thinking people would like it and I need to continue it. it made me do so many things. such as.

                               Getting up WAYYY too early, Staying up WAYYYYY too late. Not eating much. Starting to always say 'Let me finish this in a family activity.

                                   Most of them sound stupid I know but it is the truth. I hope you all can forgive me! I might continue. but right now. It's a No.

                            [No more chapters.]

.'Crimson Lace'. Kaether {~DISCONNTINUED~}Where stories live. Discover now