|| Chapter seven || Death in a lavender field

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Nobodys pov

Madeleine sits there in shock "Es-Espresso?" Madeleine turns him over to find out where the bloods coming from but notices it's acctually coming from the front of his shirt "Espresso! Wake- wake up espresso!" No reply. "Espresso this isnt funny! We need to go to twizzly gummy to get her to reverse this!" "Espresso please!" "Espresso I cant loose you!" Madeleine starts to tear up "Espresso! Weve only been friends for a few hours but it feels like were already so close! Please!" Madeleine cries even more as he runs to twizzly gummys bunker, still partly drunk. He arrives and starts pounding on the door, fully sobbing at this point. "TWIZZLY! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR NOW! PLEASE!" The steel door creaks open as the unidentified cookie pulls a scanner out and scans Madeleine "Your clear. Hello Madeleine cookie from dimension c42!" Twizzly grabs madeleines hand and leads him into the bunker "Why- why arent you swapped?" Madeleine asks wiping his tears. "Because I exist across all planes of the universe! All the same since its all one person!" Twizzly laughs and madeleine looks confused "Just get me and Espresso back to your dimension and close your portal." He snaps "Okok! It only happened because I had to escape timekeeper cookie. That bitch and her lackies are like the fucking FBI!" She leads Madeleine down to a large generator thing "Now listen carefully. I've already got one of my henchmen to put a chip on Espresso so ill just put this one on you. Then you push this lever and youll land back in your dimension. But in different places since your separated now." She attaches the chip to Madeleines arm and gives him the go ahead sign. He pushes the lever and it cuts to black.

He wakes up.

"Am I back home?"
Madeleine opens his eyes surrounded by worried cookies, all of them looking like how they did. He was home. "Madeleine are you ok?" "Madeleine where did you go?" "Madeleine?!" Cookies swarm him asking him questions as he sits there silently sobbing. "Madeleine..Wheres my brother?" Latte asks worriedly as she pushes to the front of the crowd. Madeleine breaks down "Hes gone latte. Hes here somewhere but i doubt he's alive." Madeleine gets up to hug latte as she falls into his arms sobbing. Other cookies disperse to find the body as Madeleine and Latte sit there still hugging and sobbing. Latte pulls away. "We- we need to find him. Then maybe we can get a healer!" Latte wipes her face "Where was he when he..died?" Latte asks, choking on her tears. "In the field, over there." Madeleine points as Latte springs over screaming her brothers name. Several minutes later Madeleine sees her drop to her knees and starts crying and tearing at the grass. He walks over to where latte is and notices what she's trying to dig up. His glasses. "Madeleine! Look! Its-its his glasses! Maybe its a sign!" Latte cries as i put my hand on her shoulders "It could be."

??? Pov

☠️: Pull him! Come on! Pull himm!
🍄: B-but master i cant! Hes too heavy!
🍫: Boss. Why did we take him?
☠️: B-because we did okay! Hes a very useful help to our cause!
546 words.

Wow. Rip espresso😢
No chapterly pic yall

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