Ceil try this.

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-------- Your pov--------
Today I will make Ceil a cake. To show how much I love him I will make a chocolate cake for him. Let me tell Sebastian first.
"Sebastian can I make Ceil a cake today?" I asked.
"Yes Mrs. Phantomhive you can" He teased me. "Thanks!!"

Timeskip by my wonderful reader!!
"Sebastian can you tell Ceil I will be up in a sec?"
"Why yes mi-lady"
"Ceil I made you something sweet to eat." "Come in" Is all he said. "CCCCCEEEEEIIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!" "What Elizabeth?" "I want to-" " Elizabeth why are you with Ceil?" You say clearly mad at her. "(Y-Y-Y/N)? " "Yes it is me" You almost yelled at her.
-----------Ceil's P.O.V. ------
Elizabeth is here oh-no. She is probably going to die.
"Elizabeth leave at once."
"But why?" " You two don't get along well. So-" Y/N cuts him off. "LEAVE NOW!!!!!!" (We all know what happens next.) Elizabeth is now crying and running away from Y/N. 😓"Y/N why did you yell at her?" But you didn't answer. "Y/N?" He hadn't known you ran out and jumped out the window. "Sebastian find Y/N and fix the window." "Yes young master. " And with that he is off.
Where could you be?
Did you follow Lizzy?
Where you behind Ceil the whole time?
Vote in the comments.

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