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- TW: cigarettes

"Wait do you want to come in my room-" he covered his mouth and turned red. "I mean not in that way-" he nervously started fidgeting with his hand. 

I grabbed his hand, giving him a comforting smile. "I would love to." I softly said.

Okay that definitely made him blush

I laughed at how cute he was, my hand still in his. How can someone this precious exist? 

"Why are you still laughing?" He shyly asked, a small smile forming in his mouth as he observed your actions. 

"Because of how cute you are" I stated, looking into his sparkly brown eyes. He blushed even more. 

"Lets go then!" He grabbed my hand as we made our way through the upstairs part of the house. It was even bigger than downstairs. 

His room was weirdly clean,  nothing really blocking the entrance or anything being in the floor. There were a bunch of posters that I instantly recognized, most of the walls being made out of posters. Oddly enough, most of the shelves were filled with classic horror memorabilia and countless comics. 

I smiled at how nerdy he was but I loved it. 

 "I really like collecting stuff like this." He pointed at a Dracula figurine with a nerdy smile. 

"I love classic horror movies too!" I smiled at him. 

"I swear you're literally my dream girl." He laughed a bit. 

I blushed a little as he glanced at me for a moment. "Uh thanks" I awkwardly replied. 

"Anyways, I wanna hear you play!" He handed me a violet strat. It was a beauty, the wood on the baby shined and the strings practically begged me to play it. 

"Fine only because you're so cute." I said as I grabbed the guitar from him, finding the right positions for my hand. 

I started playing Flight of Icarus by Iron Maiden, their newest album was full of amazing ass riffs and this was one of the first ones I learned in the new album. The whole time I could feel Kirk's seeping gaze from the bed he was sitting on but I could tell he was smiling the whole time, headbanging softly to the riffs. 

"You're amazing Y/N! The ending solo was so fucking good. Flight of Icarus is a really good song I'm actually surprised you learned it since they just released the album last week!" He grabbed my hand and started gently rubbing it. 

Oh my gosh this boy will be the death of me I swear. I was going to do something I might regret but I quickly flashed him a smile and leaned in for a kiss. His lips were so soft, our lips intertwined for a bit before someone came in. 

"Hey Kirk do you want-" A blonde haired boy came in, his eyes quickly going from shocked to mischievous in a second. 

"LARS I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING KNOCK GODDAMMIT!" Kirk angrily got up from the bed where I was still sitting on as he told him to leave the room. 

 "I'm really sorry about that, I'm Lars by the way." He gave me a cheeky smiled as he offered his hand to shake. 

"I kinda figured haha." I smiled at him. 

"You have a really pretty name! Were you the one playing that Iron Maiden song?" He curiously asked, turning his attention to you. 

I nodded and turned red a bit from embarrassment but gave him thanks for the compliments. I turned to Kirk who looked a bit jealous.

"Uh I'll go now" Lars awkwardly stated as he waved me goodbye and left the room as Kirk flipped him off. 

"He seems like a sweet guy." I said as Kirk angrily slammed the door. 

"I suppose you could say that, he's a jackass sometimes. Especially when you live with him." He sighed, his voice becoming a bit calmer. 

"I know we just met Y/N but i seriously think I'm in love with you. He grabbed my hand, enclosing it with his. 

I was startled yet flattered, nervous yet happy. "Oh kirk-" 

He cut me off with a peck "I know I know princess we just met and shit but I love your presence and being with you just feels right." 

Holy shit I just got butterflies with that sentence. Oh fuck what is this boy doing to me? "Princess?" I could get used to that. 

"Kirk I love you too, your smile makes my heart melt and your laugh is so contagious.I get butterflies in my stomach every time you get close to me and call me princess." I smiled at him. 

He gave me a flirty smirk, "So you like getting called princess huh?" as he caressed my cheek. I-his voice changed when he said that and it made me feel a type of way. 

"God i guess I do but only when you say it." I winked at him. 

He kissed me again, more passionately, pulling away after a minute or two. "You're gorgeous you know that?" he cooed, seriously what the fuck- 

He's so hot and cute at the same time? How could someone this mischievous exist. "Did I catch you off guard?" He chuckled slightly, giving me another peck on the lips. 

"Kinda- I just never really felt this way before about anyone. You're kinda my first kiss" I awkwardly laughed a bit. 

"Are you kidding me? No guy has asked you out before? you're literally perfect." He giggled a bit. 

Change your mind Kirk Hammett are you going to be hot or cute? "I guess you're the first I smiled at him.

"Good, I'll take care of you sweetheart don't worry." he kissed my forehead, caressing my soft hair. I laid down on his shoulder, his scent being a mix of cologne and alcohol. I could honestly stay like this forever. 

"Do you smoke?" He asked, rubbing his hand over my back. 

"No i never really got offered it before" I shrugged. Liv drank a lot but that would be an understatement. She absolutely intoxicates herself with hard liquor and It wasn't healthy but It's better than drugs.  

"I don't want to be a bad influence on you or anything, It's totally fine if you're not comfortable but I can give you one if you'd like." He smiled softly. 

"I would like to try, I have never been offered one before" I stated. 

"Okay give me a second I'll be right back" He said as he got up from the bed, heading downstairs. 

I took a minute to process everything that had just happen within the few hours. I smiled a bit, He might be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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