14 : ̗̀➛ miscalculation

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The walk was silent. Y/n walked while thinking about Kaeya's weird behavior and Kaeya walked while thinking about how Rosaria was close to revealing his secret. Nonetheless, both parties walked in silence. It wasn't all that awkward though, it was kind of nice actually.

Eventually, the walk had gotten a bit long so the pair decided to go back to the apartment. Once inside, Kaeya headed straight toward the drinks. He decided if he was going to get through the night, he would need a bit of liquid courage first. Y/n followed shortly behind him, deciding to drink some themselves.

The two drunk in a corner away from everyone. Truth be told, neither of them were huge fans of crowds.
"I should probably head home soon after this." Y/n mumbled, taking a sip from their cup.
"What? This is a party for you, why would you leave so early?" Kaeya asked.
Y/n sighed, "I'm just getting tired, Kaeya."
"Then let me carry you. Believe it or not, I'm stronger than I look." Kaeya grinned.
Y/n smiles, "Sure."
"It's true!" Kaeya frowns.

"I'll be the judge of tha-" Y/n cut themselves off with a yelp, Kaeya picking them up.
"See?" Kaeya said.
Y/n felt their face heat up. Kaeya's face was so close to theirs.
"Yeah ok ok, I get it. Now put me down!" They said.
"Hm I don't know...should I?" Kaeya pondered.
"Yes!" Y/n yelled, now extremely flustered.
Kaeya sighed, "Fine." He placed Y/n back down.

A few more drinks later and everyone was beginning to go home. Kaeya and Y/n had drunk but they weren't completely plastered, a bit tipsy at most. Kaeya called a cab for them. He'd decided to drop off Y/n first to make sure they got home safely. What kind of man would he be if he just let the love of his life go home by themselves while tipsy? Not a good one that's for sure.

The car ride was relatively silent. Y/n could feel themselves slowly close their eyes the longer the car ride went on. They were exhausted. They were relieved they were finally going home, they couldn't go another second socializing. Kaeya looked out the window, face in his hand. He was lost in thought so when he felt Y/n's head drop to his shoulder, he jumped in surprise. He looked at them and completely stiffened, he was scared that the slightest move would wake Y/n. Quite frankly, he was going to forever remember this moment. To his knowledge, this was probably the closest he'd gotten to Y/n. Or maybe the 2nd? 3rd? He's not sure but god, he'd give anything to make this moment last forever.

The car ride passed by too soon.


Y/n was woken up by Kaeya shaking them awake.
"Hm? What is it?" They asked, words slightly slurred from just waking up.
"We're here, love." Kaeya whispered softly.
Y/n yawned and nodded, getting out of the cab and walking toward their home. Kaeya payed and walked with Y/n. Y/n paused in their doorway, fiddling with their hands.
"What's wrong?" Kaeya asked.
"It's just- Um- can you...can you stay?" Y/n asked, turning to look at Kaeya.
Kaeya chuckled, "Of course."

The pair walked inside and then into Y/n's room. Kaeya was nervous. He wasn't sure why, after all, he'd been in Y/n's room a lot before. Maybe it was because he'd had a few drinks? He was slightly scared he'd fuck up somehow even though he wasn't exactly drunk off his ass.

"Kaeya, can we...talk?" Y/n asked, motioning for Kaeya to sit down with them on their bed.
Kaeya nodded and sat down wordlessly. There was a silent pause before Y/n spoke again.
"I like you." Y/n said.
Where did that come from? Kaeya didn't say anything making Y/n believe he didn't feel the same.
"I'm sorry. I don't- I don't know what came over me-"
"I like you, too." Kaeya said, his face heating up unbelievably so.

"You do?" Y/n asked, startled.
Kaeya nodded.
"I do. I have for a long time. I didn't think you'd ever-" Kaeya is suddenly cut off by Y/n's lips against his.
He was caught off guard but quickly reciprocated when he came to. The duo pulled away, slightly out of breath. However, it wasn't long before Kaeya leaned back in for another kiss, effectively pushing Y/n down onto their back.

The rest of that night was a blur.


Y/n woke up incredibly cold. They had some memory of what'd happened the previous night but still woke up a bit confused. Wasn't... wasn't Kaeya with them last night? Where was he? Y/n stood up, finally realizing why they woke up unusually cold. They were quite literally naked. Y/n panicked, looking for their clothes which had been scattered around their bedroom floor.

Still, they had the same question. Where the hell did Kaeya go? After getting dressed, they looked around their room in search of any clues to Kaeya's whereabouts. They found a sticky note on their night table.

"We shouldn't have done this. I'm sorry."


To Be Continued

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