𝟏| 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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THE SUN WAS up high in the sky, shining down on the civilians and the high school students all around Midtown high school

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THE SUN WAS up high in the sky, shining down on the civilians and the high school students all around Midtown high school. The occasional sound of the school bell ringing could be heard, finally signaling that it was lunch time for the students and teachers and no class for learning and teaching at the moment.

The birds were chirping as they flew high up in the air, not noticing the crowd forming around the school bully that liked to make himself look better than anyone in the entire school. The students and teachers voices could be heard every so often as they spoke to one another, students speaking about anything while the teachers spoke to each other about what they were teaching their students in their current classes at the moment.

The tables outside of the school building and on the school grounders weren't filled with people like they usually were, meaning they were most likely in the crowd of chanting people or they were inside and just doing what they wanted to do for their half hour lunch break and to not listen to teachers since they were free to do whatever they wanted for the time being before they had to get to their next class and get homework like they did almost every single day, even if some students didn't do their homework.

Underneath the sun, a girl could be seen venturing down the stairs, passing people along the way. Her skateboard in hand, she placed it down on the ground before placing her feet on it and riding along the concrete ground beneath her. Y/n Stacy let herself glance around for her sister who she was supposed to meet up so they could get lunch together, hands in her pockets with the straps of her backpack over her shoulders as she soon caught sight of the familiar blonde sitting on a bench, book in hand.

Gwen Stacy looked up at the sound of the wheels crunching along the ground coming in her direction, smiling at the sight of her sister. Y/n placed her foot on the ground, using her other one to bring her skateboard up until it was in her hand, not noticing a certain pair of brown eyes staring at her from afar, silently admiring her like he always did.

Gwen stood up from her spot she had been sitting on the bench, making sure to mark the page she was reading as she bends down and grabs ahold of her back, placing the strap over her shoulder. Just as they went to walk off together, they stopped at the sound of chanting and turned around to see a crowd chanting the words 'eat it' over and over again. Meanwhile, the same pair of brown eyes that belonged to a brunette boy also noticed and had pushed through the crowd to get a better look of what was happening.

Peter Parker tried not to roll his eyes at the sight of his bully, Flash Thompson, holding a boy up in the air, his head down and against the food on the plate he had in front of him and was planning on eating before Flash had came and started bullying him and the crowd had soon formed, taking the bully's side, just glad that Flash Thompson wasn't bullying them.

The school bully had soon taken notice of the brunette and smirked as his eyes glanced down at the camera he always had in his hand. People around Peter had also taken notice of him when Flash spoke to the boy, encouraging him to do the same.

"Hey, Parker, come on. Get a picture of this." Flash demands.

Peter shakes his head. "No, I'm not gonna take a picture of it. Put him down, man."

"Take the picture, Parker." Flash repeats and when Peter shook his hand, it only angered him more. "Take the picture."

"Put him down, Eugene!" Peter calls out.

The crowd seemed to have quiet down a bit at his words as Flash did what Peter wanted, tossing the boy he had been bullying down to the ground. Peter was quick to take a step forward, ready to check on the boy only for Flash's fist to meet his face, sending him down to the ground. The crowd were all letting out winces and 'ohs' as Flash encouraged Peter to get up.

The brunette was able to get up to his feet, only to fall right back to the ground when Flash punched him right in the gut. The people around seemed to be encouraging the boy as well to get up, seeming to take Flash's side as the said bully's foot kicked against Peter's torso area.

Shouts from Flash could be heard as he demanded Peter to stay down, even asking the crowd if they wanted to see the boy get beaten up more. However, it soon stopped when the Stacy sisters pushed through the crowd, Gwen storming right up to Flash since she knew him way better than her sister.

"Flash!" Gwen exclaims, making the boy turn to her and quiet down. "Flash... we still on for after school today? My house, three thirty? I hope you've been doing your homework. Last time, I was... very disappointed in you. How about we go to class?"

Seeming to calm down a bit, not liking how she had embarrassed him in front of people who thought he was so cool, Flash only nods in response as he turns around, grabbing his bag and walking off just when the bell rang, signaling for the students to get to class so they're not late. Gwen took a glance over her sister, who had been staring at Peter a bit with a frown before looking up at her, watching as the blonde motioned with her head to follow.

Taking one last glance at the brunette, Y/n walked towards her sister and they walked off, the e/c eyed girl not noticing Peter watched her leave a bit. It wasn't long until the Stacy sisters got into one of the classes that they shared.

Gwen sat herself in one desk while Y/n sat beside her and after about a minute or so, in the corner of her eye, Y/n took notice of Peter walking into the class and taking the seat behind her in the other row. Taking a deep breath, she turned to him to see he was resting his chin on his arms, head close to the top of the desk.

"I thought that was great what you did out there." Y/n admits, making him look up at her. "It was stupid, but it was great. You should probably go to the nurse. You might have a concussion. What's your name?"

"You don't know my name?" Peter asks, still a bit surprised she was talking to him.

Y/n shakes her head, a small smile on her face. "No, I know your name. I just wanted to know if you know your name."

"Peter." Peter breathes out, making her raise her brows. "Parker. Peter Parker."

Nodding in response with a smile, Y/n looks back ahead at the front of the class, watching as the teacher was writing some stuff down on the chalkboard. His mouth twitching as he tried to fight a smile etching onto his face, Peter found himself glancing around before he let his brown eyes stay on her, admiring her.

"I'd still go to the nurse though." Y/n tells him, turning her head back in his direction.

Peter raises a brow. "You're Y/n, right?"

Y/n nods. "Y/n Stacy."

Finally letting the small smile grow onto his lips, the boy nods in reply as she turns back around, feeling his eyes on her a bit. The teacher's voice soon echoed throughout the classroom, signaling the class was starting and Gwen gave her sister a small smirk, having heard the conversation between her and Peter.

𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, 𝗉𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now