["Just like old times,"]

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(This is more of reader and Eda's relationship and a catch up on everything going on)

"Mom! Someone's at the door," Collector calls out to you while you were in your garden. "Alright!" You reply getting up and heading to the door to see it was none other than Eda. "Can I help you?" You ask opening the door a little more. 

"Um yeah I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today since we haven't had a lot of us time you know with everything going on," she say rubbing her neck. "Would love to but who would look after Collector for me?" You ask. "Oh we can drop him off at the Owl house to play with King!" she exclaims.

"Alright let me get cleaned up," you say moving out of the way to let her in. Heading to your room you get in a new outfit and fix up a bit. "Collector come here sweetly!" You call out. "Yes mom," he ask coming into the room. "Me and Eda are going to hand out today so your staying at the Owl house with King how does that sound?" You ask. "Yea!" He say running to grab Charlie and Patrick.

"Alright everyone ready?" Eda ask before taking off to the owl house. "King!" Collector yells once he sees his friend. "Collector!" King yells back as they run up to each other. "You ready to play Owl house?!" Collector ask making King freeze up to which you notice this. "Collector no messing up the universe well I'm gone!" You declared as Eda started to take off. "Okay mom!"

"Now what did you have in mind Eda?" You ask turning back to your friend. "Oh maybe go cause some havoc, get some lunch, and go to the cavern?" "Sound fun p, just like old times?" You ask. "Just like old time," Eda answers.

(Time skip)

There you two were spray painting on the side of Hexside school. "What's if Principal Bumps finds us?" You ask looking around to see if he was there in the shadow. "Nah! Plus what's he going to do put us in detention?" She laughs.

"Stop right there you two!" A certain someone calls out. "Oh shit," you say before sprinting with Eda at you heel. "Damn it Eda I forgot how much you get me in trouble!" "Oh please your the one who would drag me in trouble I just copied you," she yells back. "Oh so your a copy cat now?" You slyly say while turning a corner and hiding.

"No! Your just a bad influence (Y/n)," she jokes. "And you aren't?" "Fair," she adds before throwing a invisible spell on you both as Principle Bumps passes you both. "Pff old man," You laugh. "I heard that where ever you are!" He yells out looking for you both as you walk away.

(Time skip)

"Eda please let me pay," you whine as you both fight over who's going to pay for your food. "Nope I can't hear you," she say. "Oh my gosh what's Collector doing out here!" She exclaims pointing behind you. "What!?" You say turning while she finishes paying and grabs your food. "Come on I'm hungry and I might just eat your food," "Like hell you are!" You yell chasing after her.

Once settled in a spot you found in the woods you start talking about life. "So any luck getting Luz and the gang back?" You ask taking a bite of your food. "Nope but we might need Collector to help out says Lilith, but I'm hoping that's not the case," she answer. 

"So how is it taking care of the star child himself?" "Good he's learn manners, not to fight unless absolutely needed, everyday house stuff, and yeah," you finish. "But," she adds. "But what that's it?" "No it's not don't lie (Y/n) your eye bags are practically touching the ground and you seem tired," she say pointing a finger at you. "*sigh* Collector's been having nightmares a lot lately so it's a lot of late nights," you answer looking down and picking at your nail polish.

"Hey if you ever need a night we can watch him for you remember that, and don't say anything I took care of two kids I can take care of yours," she reinsures. "Alright, but how about you and Raine? Last time I saw you two you seemed happy together," this cause Eda to blush and look away. "Yeah we're dating again taking it slow this time," "Good it was tiring see you both sad next to each other," you joke. "I didn't look that sad!" "Sure you did,"

"Fine smart ass whatever you say," she say taking a bite of her sandwich before looking back at you. "Hey so Darius was wondering this, but one of the kids who went throw the portal his name was Hunter," "The golden guard?" "Yeah him. Well since Darius is going to have to work more with the fall of the emperor he was wondering if when they get back could you look after him?" She ask. "What?"

"(Y/n) could you look after another kid? Please we'll give you anything, but your doing so good taking care of Collector and please," she asks practically begging. "Hmm alright and why can't you take him?" "As much as I would love to I can't take another kid King and Luz are already a hand full and a third along with Hooty and Lilith living in my house. Along with Luz's girlfriend and her siblings might be staying with me since they hate their parents even if their father is trying to be better," she explains.

"Alright I'll take the kid in when they get back, but if he doesn't get along with Collector he can't stay," you warn. "Oh Thank you! I'll tell Darius next time I see him," she say hugging you. "The only thing I need you to do is look after Collector for me in two days," you say breaking the hug. "Deal,"

(Time skip)

"Ahh!" Eda yells slipping on a rock. "Careful you goof," you laugh helping her up. "Please I can be careful," she huffs continuing the walk. Out of the corner of your eye you saw an all too familiar newt watching you. "Almost there (Y/n)!" Eda yells back to you. "Coming!"

"Just as pretty as I remember," Eda say getting closer to the water. "Yeah truly is," you sigh bending down and picking up a rock to skip across the water. "Psh that's nothing watch this," Eda say before skipping a rock farther. "Oh it is on Eda," you declare picking up another rock.

"Oh please your talking to the captain of winning!" She exclaims with a triumphant smirk. "More like captain of cheating," you whisper. "I heard that!" "Good then you'll hear the cheer of folks when I beat you," you say as you throw your rock farther then her's.

(Time skip)

"That was fun," you say as Eda lands on the ground. "Yep wonder when we can do it again," she say opening the door. "I AM THE REAL KING HERE BOW DOWN HAHAHA!!!" Collector exclaims standing on the couch King next to him and Lilith and Hooty on the ground with Uno cards around them.

"What did I walk into?" You question. "Don't know," Eda responds. "Mom!" Collector says before running over to you. "I won Uno ten times!" "Wow sounds like some one had a busy day," you say picking him up and kissing his forehead. "Yep! Bye King! Bye Hooty and Lilith!" He say as you trun to leave.

"Did you have fun mommy?" "Yep if only we could do that more often," you sigh as you start to head home.

Toh Collector x motherly readerWhere stories live. Discover now