chapter 5

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It was now 9pm and I was still at Anne's house. Usually I never stay this late as my parents don't allow me too, but they haven't called so I'm guessing they are still out, or they have forgot about me. Both options aren't a surprise. 

"Hey Iris?" Anne called from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I answered back.

"Nothing, just making sure your alive". 

I knew from her tone of voice she was smiling when she said this, which made me pull my lips and smile.


Anne's wierd like that and that's one thing I love about her. 

She's always been there for more and I love her so much even though I may not express it out loud as much as I think about it. 

I lie down in her bed getting all comfortable in her bedsheets because I think I'm going to spend the night here. 

I didn't even ask her, but I know she won't mind. Neither did I ask her parents. They came home a while ago so I'll ask them now. 

I "ugh" myself realising I should've asked first and then gotten in her bed. 

As I open the bedroom door to go downstairs, my face is planted in a big, strong surface. For gosh sakes, I knew it wasn't Kellianne and I internally regret going downstairs at this specific moment. 

I look up and there he is. All handsome looking staring down at me. Eugh, gross. I actually need to get myself together. He's huge ass body blocks the space of me leaving the room. 

"Excuse me" I say, initiating for him to move out of my fucking face. 

I don't know what is obsession is with blocking the space for me to enter or leave.

"Mhm" he replies back and moves out of my way,  only moving his left arm and left hip. His other side of the body still in the door frame.

"Bitch" I mutter under my breath hoping he didn't hear.

thanks for reading cuties.

please comment and vote xoxo 

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