>< All the way to me

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Niki's mom almost slammed the door on his face but Jay put a feet Infront of the door and hurted himself

Ouch agh !"

Omg I am sorry, why did you put your feet in !!

Ni-ki had told him how his parents had tendency to be cold and rude so Jay came prepared." It's fine...

Why are you here?"

Is he here ?"

No "

Please can you tell me where he is?" Jay almost pleaded.

"Ni-ki doesn't live here anymore don't you know?, and you act like you care about him?" she judged him.

"What ?" Jay exclaimed

Ni-ki moved out"

"Since last year, He kept saying
hyung abandoned me........no one truly love me...... So I will abandon everyone"

Jay's eyes saddened, is this how the younger felt?.

"Why? I've been asking this question, what happened? my boy used to tell me he would spend his life with you and I never got worried, because he had his hyung taking care of him, he sounded so happy the day before he get here with you"

She was accusing Jay too

"But that was the last time I ever heard my kid happy".

What did you do to him Jay?"

Jay made a thin line with his lips, this might be the hundreth time he is being blamed for the same reason, and whatever he says to defend himself won't make a difference

"Since then I've been angry at you park Jay"

Jay noded, understanding

"You don't know how much I tried reaching you by myself, I didn't want your parents to get involoved so you won't get into a bigger trouble , now I wish I made a huge scandal from this issue!"

Mrs Nishimura kept rising her voice little by little, and become more agitated making Jay take a feet to the back just in case.

"I even stepped on my pride and sent letters to you pleading you to talk again to my son, even told my nephew K to make sure you received them one by one!" Jays eyes widened at k's mention.

"But you responded to none !"

"Now tell me! Why did you hurt my son?" She became emotional as tears gathered in her eyes

Jay was left speechless, he wasn't prepared for this at all as he thought

"B-but ..I recieved none"
Which shocked the woman

Jay can't describe how guilty he felt yet he had done nothing wrong, only saved himself from abuse and unwanted drama.

"The only reason I am here today is to solve this huge misunderstanding, so please believe in me" Jay sounded sincer

So Mrs Nishimura seemd to gather herself and went quiet.
She also have something in mind

"He found a new family" she rolled her eyes at her own words

"He live with some old married couple from our old neighborhood, he seems to work in their place everyday after school, sleep there, they has one of the separated rooms in their house arranged for him.

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