The selection?

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       All the country would be dying to be in my place, all the country, but me. Could they have not found a smoother mood of transportation than a ship? I mean, didn't they use planes once upon a time or something? So what if it's a short trip, give us some luxury, we're the daughters of Illéa now for goodness' sake! I stood from my cushioned seat, earning me looks of disapproval from the two girls purposefully separated from me. I crossed the deck that housed us, and made it to the upper area, where the captain of the ship was. 

       "Excuse me, Captain, but how much longer until we reach the island." I played my voice down to a sweeter tone, trying to hind my annoyance, smiling slightly to sell the whole look.

       "Well milady, we're 'ere now." He said as though it was obvious. I looked to my right and left, but couldn't see anything, what did he mean we were here? There was nothing to be there but water! I gritted my teeth together, trying  as hard as I could to conceal my frustration and confusion . He let out a laugh, obviously I was not doing a good job at hiding it, and pointed strait ahead of us, sure enough, there lay the land mass of inevitable doom. Just beyond his fingertip.

       However much I wanted to hate the place, it looked to magnificent to hate. The sight took my breath away, practically winded me, it was gorgeous. My sister would die to see it, to paint it, to be in my place. I couldn't believe that for the next, well, however long it was, I'd be staying at the palace with thirty-four other ladies, all way more beautiful than I. The thought didn't make me sad in the least. 

       There was a guard by my side waiting to escort me back to my seat. He came closer to herd me towards the stairway, but I held my finger at him, taking in the undivided sight deeply, the layers of green, splashed by hints of vibrant yellows, pinks, and blues, the practically white sands that rested just beyond the clear turquoise, and beyond that, a sliver of tan stone. I caught my breath, inhaling deeply, letting the sweet and floral, and slightly salty, air fill my lungs. I turned around with a content smile, nodding once to the captain, then returning to my spot on the lower deck.

       On the deck, there was just one other girl next to me, the other two avoided us since they were 'too pretty to mingle with lower castes'  or at least that's what they had said. More so whispered, but I still heard it. The girl next to me was Dallas Ainsley, a Four, she had extremely blonde hair that had been tucked into two equal buns, finished with a tiny sunflower behind her ear, her skin was a tanned almond, that shone almost as radiantly as her pearl like smile. 

       "You're River, right?" She asked turning to face me, her hazel eyes staring intently into mine.

       I nod. "Yep. That's me. And you're Dallas." I said the last part more as a statement than a question. Instantly catching my mistake and regretting it. But Dallas didn't mind, she had a kind of sunshiny air to her, and I liked her for it.

       "Right you are! Are you excited to meet the prince? I. Can't. Wait. And to get to wear big fancy dresses 24/7!" She was smiling super wide now, I couldn't help but return an equally big smile. 

       "It'll certainly be an experience I'll never forget! But if I'm being honest, I'm looking forward to the food the most."

       Her eyes lit up and she practically jumped out of her seat as the boat came to a slow stop. We had arrived at the dock. In the not too far distance, I could her a buzz of people, a crowd of fans and cameras awaited our arrival. It wouldn't be as big a crowd as all the other groups, seeing as we were the only group coming by boat. 

       "Hey Dallas?" She looked back to me, her excitement bursting at the seams, "we should be friends. I mean it'll be good to know at least one person at the palace, right?"

       "Of course I'd be friends with you! Cause otherwise I'd have to be friends with one of those two." She said pointing over to the pair of Twos who were fixing themselves in a compact mirror. That made us both giggle.

       "Well in case I go home early, you'd better prepare yourself." I said, straitening her sunflower and brushing off her white blouse.

       "As should you." She said, tucking my lily back behind my ear and pulling my ponytail tighter. We smiled at each other one last time before walking towards to docking area, where the guards had lined up to guide us.

       My stomach was twisting as we stepped off the boat, not from the rocking of earlier, but from the new nerves that were growing inside me at the amount of people who awaited to see us, the selected. So I put on my best smile and went out to the cameras. I was glad I wasn't first, because I don't know what I would've done if I was. As it was I was stopping for many autographs. But there was one little boy who I decided to go over to.  

       "You're soooo pretty Lady River. I hope you win." With that I signed his poster and was on my way to the car. As I got in, I heard Jewel scoff. So I sat down next to Dallas, keeping the silence, for the short trip to the palace ahead. This was going to be a loong selection.

       Hey all, I might just turn this into oneshots or change the story completely, but here you go, let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on it. Hope you like it but idk, so enjoy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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