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azalea prince
casted as
blanca soler

 azalea princecasted as blanca soler

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from others

"she had small and boney fingers, which were without a doubt always holding a blunt"

"she had that constant intimidating look on her face; always the siren eyes. and yet, she knew how to make a convincing pair of doe eyes whenever she needed to, which happened to be quite often."

"she used to have that perfect-athletic body that all the girls at camp desired, but that soon faded when she turned to skin and bones. she had somehow managed to keep her ass and tits while loosing everything else. it was almost freakish; her arms and legs looked as if they would snap if she ever fell, and yet she still managed to be a good fighter."

"she wore these glasses, they had a small black frame with a little bit of gold on the top corners. they made her look slightly more approachable. when she was wearing them, she looked good in an 'unintentionally beautiful' way, and without them she looked good in a 'hot and sexy' way. she never had a true schedule as to when she was wearing her glasses, it was always just random."

"when her boyfriend died, it was quite obvious she couldn't cope. ethan nakumara was a piece of her that she never expected to loose, and it was obvious in the way that she gave her everything for him. when he suddenly disappeared one night, she went nuts. she did everything in her power to try and get him back, even considering joining kronos. if it weren't for annabeth, she probably would've. she managed to stay somewhat sane though, that was until she found he had died at the hands of kronos. after that, there was not a singular person who she felt she could give her love to, so instead she opted to lock the sensation deep in her chest. the only way she found life bearable was if she wasn't sober. she had a whole chest pull of pills, weed, cigarettes, alcohol, really anything she could get her hands on. it started as a once-a-week occurrence, but slowly turned into an addiction. until she found someone to love, she couldn't live without numbing the pain."

"watching her use her powers was crazy cool. she could manipulate gravity to her will, and that meant she basically had telekinesis. with the flick of her wrist, she was often found throwing objects (regularly at percy). she could use her powers effortlessly if it were somethings small, such as throwing projectiles, or making herself levitate, but it took much of her energy for larger things. if she were to fly with multiple people, or lift something huge such as a train, it easily exhausted her. whenever she used her powers to that extent, a suffocating feeling spread through her body, often causing her to fall to the floor screaming or black out if the situation were intense enough."

percy jackson
casted as
no faceclaim (your imagination)

percy jacksoncasted asno faceclaim (your imagination)

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from others

"his hands were large and calloused, regularly used for wielding his sword or smacking azalea, whichever seemed necessary. sometimes both."

"if you thought azalea's gaze was bad, just wait until you saw percy's. he had the same look, the angry gaze that looked as if he could kill. whenever he needed to, he could pull out a decent pair of 'seal eyes', a trick that worked on anyone who was foolish enough to buy it. unlike azalea though, his resting expression was regularly more approachable."

"he had what could probably be considered a perfect body. his skin had that perfect dark mediterranean tan, now more vibrant since he was spending much time outside. he had sharp abs, which azalea found annoying considering she had never seen the man do a sit-up. his arms always held a defined muscular shape, and he had shown the strength they compressed by effortlessly throwing azalea overboard on multiple occasions."

"he could always switch the vibe his appearance gave off though. if he needed to be, he could appear hot in an intimidating way; standing tall and smirking in an 'i could easily kill you' way. at the same time though, he could switch into a seal look that makes it practically impossible to be mean to him."

"percy certainly wasn't an expert at love. he nearly had a girlfriend; rachel dare. he hadn't realized he had feelings for the redhead until she kissed him before the war began. after everything had finally ended, he was ready to work up the courage to ask her out, but fate had other ideas. when he saw her becoming the oracle, a part of him was crushed. he got over her fairly quickly, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. he hadn't had a girlfriend since then, a part of him still scared of loss."

"whenever percy used his powers, it was quiet honestly scary. the way he channeled all his anger into fighting with water was insane. azalea never considered how terrifying water could truly be until she watched waves of water crashing against enemies, suffocating them all. he was always so effortless with it too. as much as azalea would refuse to admit it, it honestly scared her sometimes. sure, he tired himself out, but if he truly put all his effort into something, he could probably flood whole towns before he fell apart."

"But I've got no excuse
Nothing to blame for the horrid
Thoughts in this wretched brain
Nothing makes no sense so I speak my mind:
'I haven't moved on yet but
Gods, I'm trying'"
- wichitalk; pigeon pit

underage smoking, drinking, drugs; violence and gore; mental illness; etc.

SOLUM DESCENDIT - p.jackson Where stories live. Discover now