Chapter 1

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Are you ready for it?

The Final Part in the Hunter Series starts... now.


Rain came down in heavy, torrential waves leaving a flood of water everywhere I looked. I hadn't known this kind of weather would ever happen here, but of course it had to rain and storms were only natural even in this world so alike yet different to the Earth I came from. Biology lesson aside, I felt like I'd spent lifetimes in this realm and had only known freakishly perfect weather. Considering I was standing beside the man my world referred to as an ancient Greek god - the god of light to be specific, and only months ago I'd been kidnapped by the god of fucking thunder obviously things wouldn't work the same as they did back home. As if thinking about Thor summoned him, lightning zig zagged across the sky, and the deafening clap of thunder that followed seconds after sent Blueberry into a spin as I nearly jumped out of my skin completely.

"Scared you too little one?" I lazily rubbed my stomach, and was instantly rewarded as he moved beneath my hand. I felt Apollo watching and the usual look of curiosity and fear on his face. "Want to feel him?"

"I don't know if," He hesitates as more thunder silences him and so I grab his hand and bring it the rest of the way to make the decision for him. Blueberry jumps again. "Oh, he's really moving around in there."

We end up moving to sit in silence after that, watching the storm unfold from the sheltered balcony. Apollo got us a blanket as I inched closer to him, the large daybed feeling too big as the wind roared around us and the temperature seemed quick to drop even lower. Storms had never bothered me, but this, something about all of it felt off. Maybe because my best friends were out there with my boyfriend, and each time the clouds lit up I was certain I saw shadows moving within them. It was only yesterday that Apollo had nearly been killed by Oizy, a psychotic goddess who drove people to despair by crushing their mental health with her toxicity and depression-inducing lack of fashion sense.

I made that last part up, but she wasn't great to have around and you don't try to kill my friends.

"Your anxiety is making me anxious." Apollo sighed, putting an arm over my shoulders as he pulled me closer. "They're fine. It's just weather."

"My bad. I forgot the Furies melt if they get wet. Guess we're all good so long as it stays this way."

He groans, shaking his head. "I think that only works on the Wicked Witch of the West."

"She's real?" I can't hide my surprise at that and sit up to look at him better. "Wait. You're joking?"

"Yeah, just a joke."

After all I'd discovered and been through, the fact that witch existed shouldn't actually surprise me. I have spent my life as a Hunter, being raised to hunt down the supernatural creatures that did the wrong things by an ancient set of laws we were all governed by. I thought I had seen and knew it all, from shifters, vampires and a large assortment of demons, but then the gods or powers as they're called here entered the picture and I still feel like I know nothing at all. It wouldn't be the first time they let me think a storybook creature existed when it didn't, but after meeting Medusa and seeing her own personal cave of wonders, nothing was impossible anymore.

"You're a joke." I mumble, pulling the blanket up higher as I settle in again only to catch him rolling his eyes.

"Real mature, Bunny." He huffs back.

"Says the one who got drunk in town and nearly died last night." I snap, harsher than I intended to be.

"Pot, kettle black? You've been in similar situations a hundred times before, in fact you did die!"

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