Chapter 26

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Safe within our home away from home, I enjoyed the feeling of Cain behind me. I hugged his arm, the other firmly stuck in place beneath me as my pillow. Still in my post-nap fog, I closed my eyes again only before I could drop back into sleep, the jolt from my body hating the world and all my life choices, had me groaning before attempting to do some stupid three-deep breath exercise I'd been hearing about non-fucking-stop before my nap.

Then I really woke up.

"Shit." Cain groaned, awkwardly following me up as managed to sit in our bed. He looked as tired as I still felt. "Well, at least you got an hour in."

"An hour?" I felt hot, too hot.

Instantly getting up, I ignored the way the room spun and instead tugged off the jumper I vaguely remember demanding as I'd felt cold. That's why I laid down under the blankets and insisted he lay with me. It only got worse as I turned back to stop Cain from hovering and instead, the world around me blurred into a haze of shapes and shadowy figures that followed me down a dimly lit alleyway.

I knew this place. I'd been here before. The shapes and people were in my head, created by my fear and paranoia. All I had wanted to do was go out with Dad and Jordan but Mum insisted I was too young. It wasn't fair. I am eight. I am a Hunter. Anything Jordan could do, I could as well. Sneaking out was easy, following them not so much and I'd ended up lost. My bravery died at the first sense of being followed and now the nightmares I'd created, became real as the vampire that now stood opposite me.

"I've heard about your type." He had a slow, American accent. A southern drawl that would have been interesting any other time and was strange to hear now in West End. "Slayers. Hunters. Trackers."

Before I could find my courage, Dad replaced the vampire who had become dust between us "I expected more from you. Not even an hour, Elise. "

"Elise?" I'm with Cain, and as he clicks his fingers in front of my face, I want to punch him. "Babe, you back?"

"What?" I sound like I'm still asleep.

Maybe I am, or maybe that's what they want me to think. They all try to fuck with my head. Who even are they?


Not real.

Behind Cain, Dracula laughs as he fades away. I close my eyes and breathe.




"Where did you go?" Cain asks softly.

"I was just thinking."

I hear him sigh. "I don't believe you. Elle, I am trying and I need,"

"I was just thinking about my Dad." I forced a smile, not sure where the memory had come from. "I want a shower."

I'm taking my clothes off before he can respond, eagerly heading towards the bathroom and away from whatever else he had been about to say. My father's disappointment is as clear and fresh in my mind as if it had just happened. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror I can only feel just as disappointed.

"Okay, that's good. Water is good. It will help." Cain mumbles behind me.

I don't hear what else he says as I turn the water on, and whatever stupid mind games my own brain is throwing at me get silenced as well. Leaning against the wall, I only focus on the feel of the water around me, the cool of the tiles and as my eyes close I force myself to keep them open, not sure I can trust myself to do more than a blink right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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