Chapter 2

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"I have so many questions," I whispered to Cain as we followed Eirene towards a glamping village that made the one Penny wanted to visit at Glastonbury look like a kids' cubby house. "How long until she realises you're not called Leander anymore? Also, what even?"

"It was the era, everyone was an Alexander, and I wanted to be different. It's not the first time I've gone by another name or appearance, either by my choice or anothers."

"And I'm the one who apparently can't be responsible for naming our child" I mumble.

Only it made me think, and not just about naming credits. Leto had never named him. His Other family had been the first with the name Cain, which Hera had taken from him and replaced with Nku, a sheep, as an insult before cursing him as the Fallen One. Since then how many identities had he hidden behind or tried to become throughout the years? Even in our time together he'd been Darius, Leo and the Dark King. He'd really only just reclaimed Cain.

More would soon know him as Emperor.

And one would forever call him Dad.

I stopped walking, my heart feeling like it might burst over how much I realised I truly loved him, while simultaneously aching for all the horrible things he'd gone through.

"Then how do you know who you really are?"

"Well, I know who I'm not." He moved to stand in front of me, taking my hands in his before placing a single kiss on my forehead. "And who I want to be."

There was no way I'd be able to hold back the flood my body now seemed able to create on-demand and hiding my face behind my hands, loud, body-shaking, sobs erupted from me. The more I tried to stop it, the worse it became, even after I was able to lean against Cain's chest and have him hold me.

Never mind him, who even am I these days?

"I'm fine, totally fine. Allergies." I hiccuped, using my sleeves to wipe my eyes like I might be able to take them out and find the damn off switch. "Any idea where she brought us?"

Apparently sticking around to witness one of my mental breakdowns wasn't on Eirene's list of things to do today as the woman had vanished and I had a feeling we were very far from home.

"I'm not sure it's safe to ask you if you're okay, so I won't just yet." He hesitated, looking me over slowly. "And I'm not sure, I thought she might take us to the Crossroads, but I don't think this is it."

I had to agree, this gave off none of the low-grade horror movie vibes and weirdness that place had. It didn't make it any more familiar though, and thankfully I still had my powers as I closed my eyes, took a big breath and tried to get a sense of anyone nearby or something that could give us a clue where we were. All I sensed was power and a lot of it.

"Kara is going to be so mad when they all realise we've gone."

"Let's focus on the here and now."

"Of course, you'd want to do that because this is technically your fault and they're all going to be so mad at you for putting me in this situation. Side note, how many times do you think they'll lay down the pregnancy card again? This morning was brutal." I shudder, anger replacing the achey hurt and insane amount of love I'd been flooded with a second ago.

"Not my fault because you dragged me through the portal. Gaia and Fourth seem to be trigger words for you." He answers through clenched teeth, looking around us as he clearly tried to work out where we were as I just had.

At least he stood a chance at possibly working it out, my other world travel passports were very limited.

"Oh please, you were decided on the Fourth we were following her. Also, not my fault when you whisk me away for what I expected to be, secluded, lion-free, special cuddles, but instead turned out to be a tea party with your ex." I start walking again, and he instantly follows.

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