Chapter 5

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"So.. where are we going?" Winter asked hesitantly and Karina just sighed before she give her a paper with the address where they are going without glancing at Winter. Winter just look at Karina who busy on her phone. She sadly smiled and just put the address on her phone map.

After 30 minutes of driving, they arrived at an small handmade instruments store. Winter parked her car inside and they both got out. Karina walks first and she follows.

"Oh Jimin!" The guys in the mid 40s greeted her happily

"Uncle Uchi, how are you?" She said while smiling and hugged the older.

"I'm fine, you? And who's this girl, And what are you doing here?" The man said while smiling, holding Karina's shoulder.

"I'm fine and she's Winter. I and her are here to ask a favor for a school project" Karina said

"What is it and let me help you" The man said


"Dad, who's there?" A girl spoke while walking, looking at the guitar she was holding. She looked up and saw that there's two girls standing near at the information desk, talking to her father.

"Oh... Mj?" Winter look at her

"Aeri?" Winter said and Giselle went to hug her

"Minnnn!!! How are you?" Giselle asked and she pulled away to look at her friend

"Uh? I'm fine, you?"

"I'm sexily fine!" Winter and Mr. Uchinaga chuckled

"You guys know each other?" Karina asked while looking at them

"Yes" Giselle answered while smiling


"She's my best friend" Giselle said and she put her arm around Winter's shoulder. She pulled away and look at Winter.

"Yah! MJ! I didn't know you were coming here and yah! you didn't even reply to my text, you already forgot that I'm your bestfriend" Giselle complained and pouted. She look at her dad beside her.

"Dad, she's the girl that Jeno and I are talking about who is the school's sweetheart, that Jeno has a crush on, who is his partner in the competitions" Giselle said with a teasing smirk while looking at Winter

"Yah.. you don't have to say that" Minjeong shyly said and Giselle's Dad chuckled lightly

"Why? Jeno still likes you, you don't have a boyfriend, right? Or Heeseung is still following you until now" Giselle said while chuckling lightly

"Yah!" Winter pinch her side

"Now I know why Jeno likes her, because she's cute" Giselle's Dad said and Winter blushed.

"Oh speaking of Jeno, Jeno is already back" Giselle said


"Last week, his team's world tour and projects already done and he already went to our hometwon and he's looking for you, he didn't know that you already here in Seoul" Winter was about to speak when they heard someone heaved a sigh

"Oh Jimin you there?" Giselle said

"Yes, can't you see me?" Karina said irritated

"Sorry, Jimin. You know... me and my bestfriend.. didn't see each other for a long time so you know..."

"Don't need to explain" Mr. Uchinaga laughed and the girls look at him

"She's still afraid to you"

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