Chapter 10

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"Damn my head" Ryujin massaged her head, she drank too much. She was about to stand up when she felt a hand wrap around her. It's her best friend. Ryujin slowly removed Yeji's hand from her waist and went to the bedroom bathroom with her eyes still closed. She was standing in front of the mirror when she suddenly became aware of what happened last night.

"Oh my! Wait a minute...?"


Ryujin and Yeji entered a room of Karina's Secret place hand in hand. Both are drunk. When they both reached the room, they both sat on the bed. The surroundings are quiet. Her best friend looked at her and she also looked at her. She remembered what Winter and Minju had said earlier and was afraid of that happening. She has also realized that she doesn't consider Yeji just a best friend. She's more than that. She's the most important person in her life and she doesn't want to lose that just because of their senior.

"If... If.. If I court you... will you...let me?" Yeji froze for a moment but just laughed.

"Is that... what you ask...every girl you date?" She asked and Ryujin frowned.

"No. You.. you are.. the first" She said

"You.. know.. you're only.. drunk that's why... you said.. that, let's.. go to sleep" Yeji was about to walk to the other side of the bed but Ryujin stopped her.

"I'm not.. done.. yet" Ryujin said

"I'll repeat.. what I said, if.. I court.. you will you let me?" Yeji didn't answer

"Yes" Ryujin smiled widely as she looked into Yeji's beautiful sleepy eyes.

"Can.. can.. I kiss you?"

She didn't wait for Yeji to answer and immediately grabbed her best friend for a kiss. She started to move her lips but Yeji didn't answer. She pulled away and looked at the girl in front of her and she couldn't read her expression. Ryujin was about to get up to move to the other side of the bed when Yeji grabbed her by the nape of her neck and pressed their lips together. Ryujin put her hand on Yeji's waist to pull her closer to her while Yeji put her hands on Ryujin's neck. They pulled away when they needed some air.

Ryujin is sure that their make out will not be remembered by Yeji, because every time they get drunk, the next day Yeji doesn't remember anything so she kiss her again, not want to waste a chance.

She is sure that she can't do it again because she heard that Yeonjun is going to court her best friend and she thinks Yeji will like him. Ryujin leaned again to kiss her deeply. She was only pulled away when Yeji moaned. She smiled widely at her best friend.

"Let's sleep. Good night.. my yeddeong" She kissed her lips again and they both lay down hugging each other.

End of Flashback

"What did you do!? Why didn't you stop the gust of your emotions!" She slapped herself

"What if she remembers what happened when she wakes up? What should I do?" She scolded herself while still looking in the mirror.

Knock. Knock.

"Ryuddaeng, are you inside?" Someone asked outside the bathroom

"Uh..uhh Yes" She answered

"Hurry up there, I'm peeing!" Yeji said loudly

"Wait a minute!"

"Okay, Ryu. Just relax" She took a deep breath before opening the door. Her heart beat fast when she saw her best friend in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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