5- Secrets

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When I get home, my dad is in his study playing piano. 

You guessed it. He's a professional pianist as a side job.

Even though he doesn't leave the house.

He... films videos on YouTube. 

And has 1.001 K followers which convinces him he's the next Beethoven...

I bought the 1K for him as a birthday present.

The other one follower was me. Yup. 

Of course the Artemis I know would tell him, always being the bolder one of us, but I can't. It would break his heart.

"Hi dad, I'm home," I announce, throwing my backpack down onto the floor. I head up the stairs towards my room, when...

"Hi Moon," he replies.

...Wait. Whaaat?

"Uh, hi," I say. "What's up?"

I try to sound casual but this is sooo weird. He never says hi when I come home from school. Just in the mornings- when he's too sleepy to do work.

"So," Dad says. "I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw this amazing Barenboim video..."


"Yes?," I hint.

"... And I clicked on it..."

Oh god. He's being like Verity on a bad day.

"Mmhmm...," I continue.

"... And there was an ad for SimplyPiano..."

SimplyPiano? I hate those ads.


"... And-" He breaks into tears now. The baroque piece he's playing at the moment (Sonata in B Minor, K.11) is cut off suddenly with a thump. It's only then I realise he was playing while talking. He never does that either.

"Oh, Dad," I whisper. "What's wrong?"

"-Nothing, Moon," he replies, his eyes glistening with wet, fresh tears. His voice is full of deep affection, so loving, yet so fragile, like it could be snapped easily and thrown away forever. 

He continues. "It's just, the SimplyPiano ad moved me. It made me realise everything you've been missing out on. I mean, I never even say hello when you come home!"

"Oh," I say, flashing a signature Selene smile at him, eager to get this over with. "It's fine, I don't mind-"

He runs over suddenly and pulls me into a hug.

Oh- it- I- he- he- he- hugged me. He actually hugged me. Something I haven't experienced since Artemis disappeared.

I freeze.

I can't.

I can't face it.

But I hug him back.

And an involuntary smile appears on my face.

"Moon, I love you so much," he says.

"Me too," I reply, closing my eyes and soaking in him warmth, savouring this moment.

I suddenly realise all I've been holding in all these years. And the sadness I didn't even know I had been harbouring lets itself out in the tears trickling slowly down my face.

All because of a stupid SimplyPiano ad. (SimplyPiano please don't sue me.)

"Oh Dad," I breathe.

"Moon." He lets go and looks me in the eyes. "Sit down. Let's have tea time together."

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