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Present Day 2012

"YOU GUYS, we are gonna get caught." A female voice warns as they climb the fence to the old church, they drop to the ground with a grunt, they look back at her. "Then be lookout, if you were to chicken why did you come with us, Callie?" A blonde says. 

The girl runs a hand through her braids, she finally takes a deep breath she grunts as she lifts herself up over the fence, she looks down at the ground feeling the anxiety. 

"Just jump." A boy with red hair tells her. 

She shakes her head, she leaps off the walls onto the ground, the four cheer at their friend, she smiles as her hands start to shake, they turn on the flashlights from the phones as they search for a way inside the abandoned church. 

The place a jacket over a broken window, she groans squeezing her way through the broken structure, The red hair boy places a speaker on the ground playing some light music, the blonde opens a cooler while another boy with dyed blue hair, looks all around him on his phone. 

"So yesterday he says to me, I want prom night to be the night, I'm like why cant he just man up and just do it alrighty losing your virginity isn't some special ritual that needs candles and roses." The blonde complains taking a sip from her beer. 

"Well not all of us are experienced, Kate." Callie states as she scrolls through her phone, kate scoffs. 

"Hey don't blame me for being able to put it out there." Kate smirk sipping her beer, callie rolls her eyes. 

"So why did we decide to party in a creepy church.'' the blue haired boy speaks up. his phone light shines up at old structure. 

"I dont think its creepy, I like it, the place was built for as a church originally. The used it as a hospice till it was closed in 1930 from the depression, the city just never cared to take care of the building." Callie informs them, she smiles looking around at the building. 

"Nerd." Kate whispers, Callie looks down at her feet, she didn't even understand why she was friends with her. She couldn't wait for junior year to be up, and she can be a senior, she wants nothing more than be miles from the city. 

"We choose this place because it's the less likely place your gonna find teen drinking." The ginger explains to him, he peeks into another room. 
"Hey Cal, you wanna explore?" The ginger boy asks. 

"Sure." Callie agrees standing up from the cooler, she walks over to where he stood, he leads the way. He sips the beer in his hand as he follows after her,Calle shines her flashlight as she walks down into the basement, she admires the graffiti on the walls of the stairwell, unlike her friends she appreciated places like this, the ones forgotten. 

"You know places like this are rare, I mean look at it Spanish architecture with hint of French, I mean Louisiana was founded by the French, it was named after King Louie. " Callie gushs, she looks around her as she steps into the basement.

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