Sweet Bliss

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Sweet Bliss 

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Sweet Bliss 

DOES BIGFOOT exist, if he does you have got to tell me right now because I swear I saw some weird creature at a bridge once?" Callie asks with excitement in her voice, a notepad of questions laid beside her as she sat across from him.

"I have no idea what that is." Henrik admits biting into a french fry listening to the teen girl ramble and ask the questions.

"What! Your like something hundred years old and your telling me you haven't heard of bigfoot!" She exclaims in shock, a old women next to the duo clears her throat at her sudden outburst, Callie whispers an apology before turning back to the witch.

"Okay, if you wanna learn about the supernatural you gonna learn how to keep you voice down." He tells her, she blushes in embrassent tapping her pen against her pad.

"Okay, serious question what the hell are you?" She questions, he furrows his brow taking a bite out of his french fry. "I already told you i'm a witch." He reminds her, she shakes her head. 

"I mean like what type of witch, like voodoo or is it a hocus pocus situation you suck out children souls to stay young."

"Oh my god, no I dont suck out children's souls, why would you even ask that?" He questions baffled at the young girl, she shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm asking because there is no way you are that good looking for a hundred." She tells him, he nods his head, amused at her taking note of his features, he smirks taking a drink from his ice water.

"What you dont think these looks are natural?"

"No! You practically photoshopped." Callie exclaims, the old woman that sat across finally stood up walking off the deck with her food and check in hand, Callie rolls her eyes annoyed at herself and her hyperness.

"I did it again." She whisper slouching in her chair. "Did what?"

"I always do this, I get too excited and I get all giddy then suddenly the little voice in my head starts getting louder and so do I." Callie admits to him, he looks at her sympathy. The young girl looks down at the traffic below her as the wind nips at her cheek.

"Um anyways, what about werewolves? Are they real is it like Stephen King or Twilight?" She wonders, he looks to her confused.

"Uh no I dont think so, what is Twilight?" He asks her, she bites her lip. "Just google it."

"Yes werewolves are real, it's actually quite painful and not really for the faint of heart." He tells her, she knits her brow together.

"Can I become a werewolf?" Callie asks in excitement, he shakes his head. "What! Why not?"

"You can't become a werewolf at all getting bitten or scratched doesn't work, it just hurts like hell and you would probably need get it treated." He tells her, she looks down in disappointment checking off the questions. 

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