Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chapter Ten: The Rogue Bludger

"Okay I have to ask." Clint said, turning toward Wanda. "It's been bugging me. You've really been hiding up in the rafters this entire time? Where did you learn that? Who taught you that? Because I have to say, whoever it is, is stealing my thunder! Traveling by the rafters and the vents is my thing!" By the end Clint sounded like a whining child who had their favorite toy taken away.

"You were the one who taught me." Wanda said simply, her eyebrows raised in incredulity.


Wanda then turned her whole body away slowly.

"EMERGENCY MEETING!" Shuri yelled out, making T'Challa jump in his seat slightly.

Leaning forward in her seat to look around the other people at the table, Shuri looked at Peter and said, "Blue! I think Purple is the imposter!"

Peter looked from Shuri to Clint and back to Shuri, "Do you have any proof, Black?" (AN: I am NOT being racist. I am only making a reference to the BLACK Panther, and her role as T'Challa's "Agent Q".)

"Huh? What?" Sirius said quietly.

"He freakin vented!"

"I don't know. I was in the Cafeteria when I saw Red coming out of the vents!"

"Hm, good point." Shuri tapped her finger against her chin. "Well there's nothing for it. Only thing we can do is put it to a vote. Cast your vote!"

"I think it's Red."

"At first I thought it was Purple. But then I really thought about it. Purple had only talked about venting. While we actually saw, Red vent." Sighing, Shuri said, "I vote for Red as well."

"It's unanimous. Red has been Voted off the ship!"

"To the airlock, with haste!"

Peter and Shuri then fell back in their seats giggling.

"Do you have any idea what these two are talking about?" Steve asked, looking incredibly lost and confused.

"No. I have been begging my mother for a translator ever since Shuri was born." T'Challa spoke with his hands rubbing soothing circles into his temples.

Wong gave him a consolidating pat on the back.

Since the disastrous episode of the pixies,

"FIGHT THE PIXIES!" Thor boomed.

Jumping, everyone turned in their seats to give Thor peculiar looks.

Seeing the looks and stares he was receiving, he said slightly shamefaced (and much more quietly), "I apologize. My friend Lady Darcy, she has gotten me addicted to this Midgardian Television Show called "Supernatural". I sincerely apologize if I caused anyone distress."

"I love that episode." Wong chuckled. "You fight those pixies! I'll fight these pixies!"

Thor's face broke out in the biggest childish grin, as he leaned over to give Wong a high-five.

Steve reached into a pouch on his belt and pulled out a small notebook. In it, he turned to a list of movies and TV shows to watch. Down at the bottom he quickly wrote, Supernatural.

Lockhart had not brought live creatures to class. Instead, he read passages from his books to them, and sometimes reenacted some of the more dramatic bits. He usually picked Harry to help him with these reconstructions; so far, Harry had been forced to play a simple Transylvanian villager whom Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse, a yeti with a head cold, and a vampire who had been unable to eat anything except lettuce since Lockhart had dealt with him.

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