Fight so dirty

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Natasha sighed and wrapped her hands tighter around her steaming coffee mug.

Mornings in the compound were her favorite; the calm serenity was something she always enjoyed. Her routine was always the same when they weren't fighting to save the world; she would wake early, take her morning run, shower and make coffee. This hour of peace before the boys woke was something she treasured.


"Morning Rogers, I'm about to make pancakes, you want some?"

Steve flashed his Boy Scout smile and poured himself a coffee. Taking a seat on at the island he studied Natasha, a question obviously on the tip of his tongue.

"Sure, thanks"

Natasha felt safer when Steve was around. His blonde hair still sleep tousled, his super solider muscles straining against his plain grey t-shirt, ocean blue eyes shining with warmth when he greeted her. Steve had a knack of grounding her, making her feel like she could be trusted, that she could be good like him. However, like most people, Steve was an open book to her and the gentle smile he was giving her betrayed his intentions. Natasha knew she was either about to be psychoanalyzed by Captain America or asked to perform a task she really didn't want to do.

"Spit it out Steve, I know there's something"

The kitchen began to fill with aroma of pancakes as the first one started to brown in the pan and Steve sniffed appreciatively.

He sighed and began chopping strawberries and bananas.

"Wanda's training begins shortly" he stated, giving her a glance.

Natasha shrugged, not willing to dignify the statement with a response.

"Cinnamon?" She asked as Steve nodded his head and she began to plate up his stack.

"I could really do with some support on her hand to hand combat. Sure, she's powerful with her magic, but I need her to be able to physically defend herself if her powers were to become compromised. It will help her confidence too and her ability to control her emotions." He explained in a flat voice, trying not to shrink under Natasha's glare.

Natasha knew exactly where this was going, she nodded and remained silent.

"Will you train her? Please? You're similar sizes and you can teach her quicker than I can. I think I'll be too soft on her, I don't think you'll have that problem"

"Do I have a choice?"

She shoveled a fork full of pancakes into her mouth, allowing herself to appreciate the sweetness of the strawberries as she collected her thoughts.

"You always have a choice Nat. But this would be beneficial to the whole team going forward and who knows, maybe you can work through some issues as you go"

Natasha chuckled at that, a deep and raspy sound. Steve was more subtle than Tony for sure, but that didn't mean he was subtle.

"I'll talk to her later and we can work out a training schedule. You owe me Rogers." Natasha's emerald Green eyes met Steve's blue ones and he grinned.

"Thanks Nat, I do owe you" he said, smirking.

Thankfully the discussion came to an abrupt end as a loud raucous approached from the corridor. Natasha was able to identify an individual's footsteps instantly, however her espionage skills weren't required this morning as she heard Clint and Sam laughing loudly. The appearance of Wanda in the kitchen though did slightly surprise her. She was wearing a giant hoodie (presumably Steve's) that drowned her small frame and almost covered her black spandex shorts. Natasha observed her covertly as she continued to cook pancakes for the group. She was barefoot and seemed to make herself appear even smaller than she was, her long dark hair framing a pale and tired face, her blue eyes wide and dull. Wanda fiddled with the multitude of rings on her fingers, twisting them round and round as Clint slung an arm around her shoulder. Natasha watched the scene unfold as Wanda tensed from the physical contact, however within seconds she had relaxed and her shoulders dropped, leaning slightly into Clint.

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